sti pretender Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 From what i heard offline roberts original idea of restarting seemed a reasonable idea This was a discussion the RO's had almost a year ago and it was knocked on the head as it was felt it better to fight for SIDC and turn the club around, hence the reason I am now Chairman.
jamesm Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 Not that i am able to benefit from most of the perks you get from being a paid member, but the fact that its all the £20's thats spent that keeps the club alive and keeps the forum running. You have hit the nail on the head. If the club didn't have paid members, it wouldn't be here. That is why I rejoined to support the place even though I don't really benefit financially. **Is this thread really benefiting the club?** That would be a definite NO Robert. Andy's wee reply wasn't very beneficial either sadly. Totally agree. Whilst Jscoob's post in the first page of this thread was way out of line, it just set off reactions by people who should know better given the positions they are in. As I said before, restricting the for sale section to paid members is fine, but the wholescale deleting of virtually every post in the section was just daft and bound to get peoples backs up. Now it is stated that it was a mistake. Why then was there not an announcement to that effect? The whole issue was badly handled all round, but it is time to put it to bed. Lets move forward.
sti pretender Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 WTF are you spending the money on ? can you answer that question ? A full set of account will given at the AGM by our new Treasurer/Book Keeper.
frenchy Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 as for not renewing the membership, been an active supporter over the years, not intersted in track days, done that for 5 years competeing in the scottish sprint championship, won a few trophies and awards, spent loads doing it, not interested in discounts as you know i get good deals on servicing for my cars,the last show was for the picture for the mag at knockhill hairpin, was actually bored stiff after an hour being there and wanted to f... off but couldnt get out, would have cut my wrists as it would have been better fun Most current users have been long standing active members, you're not alone there Neil. I'm approaching my 7th year. dont think the club can offer me anything for the membership, There are a few that feel that the benefits do not benefit them directly in the form of discounts and deals, yet they are more than happy to pay their renewal fee to support the club. as you know, myself and craig mcd was nearly going to renew membership as he said this now leaves a bitter taste as he has put it What exactly leaves a bitter taste Neil?
neill54 Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 I see from all the names that have posted in this thread we are mostly from north of the border I've not heard what the rest of the club think! ( if there is another post I've missed it been away all weekend and it was my birthday!!) Like any club u are in you only get out what you put in!! I'm sure there can be some common ground and all can get along in here again cause it used to be really busy good comments loads of help and ideas flying about.Now instead of an hour to read new daily posts I can rush thru them in five mins!! Hope the AGM helps! Neil
terzo neil Posted February 27, 2011 Author Posted February 27, 2011 That is why I rejoined to support the place even though I don't really benefit financially. As I said before, restricting the for sale section to paid members is fine, but the wholescale deleting of virtually every post in the section was just daft and bound to get peoples backs up. Now it is stated that it was a mistake. Why then was there not an announcement to that effect? The whole issue was badly handled all round, but it is time to put it to bed. As James has said, he doen't really benefit from the membership, in my eyes why pay for something that you dont get any benefits out of, might as well just give your money away instead or throw it to the wind as he also said why no annoucement prior to what was happening
jamesm Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 As James has said, he doen't really benefit from the membership, in my eyes why pay for something that you dont get any benefits out of, might as well just give your money away instead or throw it to the wind as he also said why no annoucement prior to what was happening It is not just the financial benefits though. Picking up on what Scooby222 said earlier, for me there isn't anywhere else to go in terms of a Subaru club which organises the meets and runs that the Strathclyde area of Scottish Scoobies (SIDC) does. I dont track the car nor is it really modded but I like to drive the car enthusiatically with other like minded members and if the club goes under where else offers that chance? Thats why I have rejoined to support the place. For me the meets and runs are worth the membership.
craigdmcd Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 I'm quite happy with the apologies about the poor conduct of the officials/moderators and the deleting of the old "For Sale" threads. I have no issue with the fact that paid up members should get extra benefits, as long as it is not to the detrimenet of the community as a whole. As for the £20 fee, I have no issue with that either, as I spend more on the Snap-On van on a Thursday afternoon, and as soon as people square me up for some debts I am owed, then I will happily pay my dues to hopefully keep the club alive. As for the banter, the place to be, was last Saturday at my garage. Myself, Neil, Jimser and Lostboy ended up there together for an hour or so. Just as well we are all thick skinned - well 2 of us definately have thicker skins than the other 2
sti pretender Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 As James has said, he doen't really benefit from the membership, in my eyes why pay for something that you dont get any benefits out of, might as well just give your money away instead or throw it to the wind as he also said why no annoucement prior to what was happening Neil if nobody paid we wouldn't have a forum to fight on. As for the announcement it was an oversight the mistake was made but not noticed. I can only apologise on behalf of the committee and admin. Now go and do some more overtime so you can pay for a membership to sell stuff.
arch Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Wow this is better than the banter on my project thread
fai17 Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Wow this is better than the banter on my project thread Haven't logged on here for a long while and i understand why Neil has went on a outrage. Some of the comments made are out of order. Power comes with responablity and if you can't handle it then don't do it. I haven't been a paid up member since after the first year that i joined SIDC as i feel i don't get benefits for the cost of the fee.I have mets loads of good people and some bad ones too but in general most are great people. I have contributed lots for the club by raising loads of cash and giving cash to the likes of Santacruise from my own funds.But never for 1 minute did i ask for anything back from the club as i done it from the goodness of my heart. Robert you know £20 means very little to me and if it's going to help the club to survive then please take it from me.
gus the bus Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 I have contributed lots for the club by raising loads of cash and giving cash to the likes of Santacruise from my own funds.But never for 1 minute did i ask for anything back from the club as i done it from the goodness of my heart. Robert you know £20 means very little to me and if it's going to help the club to survive then please take it from me. Peter, All that time, effort and hard earned £'s that you have contributed over the years have been greatly appreciated by fellow members and non-members alike and most deffo by the Hospitals and kids that have received gifts through that so, for that we could never thank you enough There are also a lot of people putting in ridiculous amounts of time at the moment (including myself) to get this place back on track for a more stable future. All because they love the place, value what it is, what we do and what it stands for. However, after reading and responding to a number of posts yesterday and dealing with some of the PM's and e-mails I received, I was VERY close to calling it a day and not just on the committee but altogether!!! I really think this thread has run its course and is not helping anyone (member or non-member)
HairyDJ Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Ok, here goes with a “South of the Border view” as requested. I’ve been skulking around here for about 5 years now – joined up just before Wilky’s manic Richard Burns run. At that time, the club was full of people and events that really added to the fun of Scooby ownership. Over the years, I’ve noticed that SIDC is just like all the other clubs & societies I’ve been part of – we have highs & lows, we make good friends, and we have fallings out. That’s life chaps! Whilst I’m all for civilised debate, I accept that things do get heated at times and sometimes a few sweary filter dodgers can make a point effectively / strongly with the odd # - annoys me less that text speek. Also, remember that the D in SIDC stands for Drivers – we should not run our club / forum to allow for the presence of those under the legal driving age. What SIDC does seem to have more than its fair share of is people who work hard for the club, but then take too long to realise that it’s time to stand down & take a break. So many of those who have done good things have then vanished in anger, and we’ve pretty much lost them completely ever since. What we really seemed to do well was to act as a gathering point for various groups to get to know one another and then squabble and break away .... I feel that what destroyed the credibility of the previous committee was the way so little was announced to members (or non-members), yet there seemed to be a fair number of people who knew much of what had not been made public. I really want the new committee to learn from this and be much more open, but with that openness, we need to be a little less quick to dive in and slag them off if we disagree with something announced or proposed. Maybe things would be helped by making “business” announcements from specific user accounts, rather than personal accounts with “officer” labels? For example, let Stu make his True Grip announcements from an editor’s account, and leave him free to speak openly with his personal opinions from his normal account. Similarly, let our Chairmen, Secretaries etc. be “one of the lads” from personal accounts, whilst running their admin stuff separately. A bit of extra login / out hassle for them, but easier for anybody to search for business related posts by username? My biggest gripe over the past few years has been the unacceptable secrecy regarding our financial affairs, so I am genuinely looking forward to finding out what has happened in the past and what state we find ourselves in now. The rumours that are creeping out about being in a poor state currently worry me, but better to know and plan, than continue to blunder on blindly. Hopefully, the financial position will be published shortly before the AGM, to allow any responses and AGM decisions to be well thought through and considered, rather than knee-jerk / waffle in the heat of the moment? If, for example, it will take a third of our subscriptions to fund the SIDC forum would that change attitudes regarding paid membership? Personally, I renewed last time just to get my discount from my dealership, but will definitely renew this summer to give the new team a full year to show us if / how things have changed.
scooby222 Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 (edited) very very good points mr hairy - i think youve summed things up nicely and fairly i agree Gus, everyones made their points and its now just tail chasing without anything to gain so as a relatively independant party with sympathies on both sides can i suggest this thread is locked and we all move onwards and upwards Edited February 28, 2011 by scooby222
boab type ra Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 I thought this club was about people with the same passion getting together for meets and show and track days and HELPING PEOPLE! Your club is asking for help so dig deep its the only way to help the club and if you help the club you help every single person that uses it. my brother can`t even switch a computer on and he is trying to join to help the club i have took him to shows and meets and now after meeting alot of you guys he wants to be apart of it.
terzo neil Posted February 28, 2011 Author Posted February 28, 2011 I wouldn't say an outrage peter, wanted to find out why and why the masses weren't told about it until the things happened and the posts deleted and i have had pm's deleted as well don't agreee with it but they know my feelings about it
gus the bus Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 I have had pm's deleted as well Neil, I think you will find that PM's have not been deleted. As has been previously stated by more than one person if the sender doesn't complete them properly then they aren't sent fully. I too had a PM yesterday between myself and another forum user (Frank C) that encountered a similar problem. I simply had to redo it and send again.
Badgerboy Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 As for the benefits the membership brings cheaper trackdays - not interested discounted servicing from dealers - get a good deal in whom i go to cheaper insurance from specialist - cant match the deal i have for 2 cars let alone for 1 car Begs the question, what exactly are you looking for from a club for £20 Neil? What you have listed above (among various other incentives you have selected not to failed to mention) in my eyes are good incentives for anyone to join. Perhaps your expectations from a club exceed what can reasonably be delivered!?!? Hats off to the new committee members, they have their work cut out and I for one am right behind them all the way. I think £20 is nothing for what you receive in return. Forget the fundamental items you get like True Grip, Forum usage, Window stickers etc etc to me the club means so much more and I'll tell you exactly why. Ive been into my Scoobies for maybes 3 years which is quite a short time as far as Scooby ownership goes. In that time Ive had 3 Scoobies and enjoyed every one of them. Ive supported Santa Cruise by attending, donating personally and also through my own business. Attend as many shows etc as I possibly can to show support for SIDC etc etc the list goes on. However, more important than any of that is the amazing people I have met throughout this period, none of which would have been possible without this forum. I have met some really interesting people (and some tossers!!!). At any of the meets, whether it be Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Central, there is always a great sense of COMMUNITY SPIRIT! I have also made a LOT of friends along the way, some of them I regard as person friends and several I hold a lot of respect for. This is mainly the reason I find the pittance of £20 membership fee all worth the while. Yes the cold winter nights see most of us having some banter on the forum but this is where I know my money goes...........helping the running of the forum which would not even be here without paid up members. I seriously doubt this a place you want to be Neil! Perhaps if SIDC cant deliver what you expect, then maybes a diesel generator club might be more your thing
StrikE Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 I was VERY close to calling it a day and not just on the committee but altogether!!! So was i last night very much so. Some people don't like getting swore at and neither do I It's been done, dusted & apologised by 2 of the people concerned for 'swearing'. For christ sakes man let it go! Do i hear a third apology? The word power keeps getting mentioned......... there is no power, this is not a government I am the same as everyone else as in having a passion for driving & hanging with like minded people. I am not on some power trip, i was asked to do the role & have been doing a sterling job & i would of replied the way i did last night regardless of what i am on here. 50 post count: waste of time in all honesty, the amount of people that would just talk gibberish and mince so to achieve the glorious 50 point post count was amazing. Then quickly vanish into the background until another item needed selling. Paying for the privilege means your details can be traced back and that can safeguard fellow members from being ripped off. Just how many folks on here get ripped off? None. Look at scoobynet it's a breakers yard for parts! This could literally go on for ever, me apologising for saying hoot off, someone moaning about the 'powers' that be...... DOH! Wish someone would just delete this thread. It's not doing anyone any favours & certainly not the club. Can we please move on now? Please! Thank you for all the texts PM's & well wishes folks, very much appreciated and you know who you are
frank c Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 So just for clarity, the rules have been set and nothing is going to be changed?
mystery machine Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Please don't delete or lock this thread. Among other things, it has aired many valid opinions and points of view, and there may be more to come. JMO
frank c Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Is this the 3rd apology you were talk about Del
andy Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 Is this the 3rd apology you were talk about Del You'll have a long wait Frankyboy, but keep going with your wooden spoon. I'm apologising for nothing. Some of you seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to come on here spouting bullshit at those who give up their free time for this Club then squeal for their Mummies when somebody dares to retaliate. Fact is, I'm not on the Committee. I don't attend their online meetings and I don't vote on Club matters so I don't have to play nice like the other boys. I'm no different to you except I've saved the Club £1560 this year and implemented a vastly improved online shop. What's your contribution been (apart from your highly intelligent and lucid contributions to this topic of course)?
frank c Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 You'll have a long wait Frankyboy, but keep going with your wooden spoon. I'm apologising for nothing. Some of you seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to come on here spouting bullshit at those who give up their free time for this Club then squeal for their Mummies when somebody dares to retaliate. Fact is, I'm not on the Committee. I don't attend their online meetings and I don't vote on Club matters so I don't have to play nice like the other boys. I'm no different to you except I've saved the Club £1560 this year and implemented a vastly improved online shop. What's your contribution been (apart from your highly intelligent and lucid contributions to this topic of course)? Wooden spoon... behave! Your previous post was a great contribution right enough. My contribution.. i've been a paid up member ,given to various charities through the forum, got parts from my work for members, help fix members cars, gave technical advice (sometimes limited of course), helped pick up members cars with a trailer when they've been stuck, been to meets/trackdays... need i go on? And yes that means i've also given up my spare time on numberous occasions. It's not just the admin or whoever help run the forum that can put their name to that old chesnut So who's spouting bullshit now about giving up their free time for this club and who's squealing now ? That would be you Andyboy Try practicing what you preach
mikeyb13 Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 What's your contribution been (apart from your highly intelligent and lucid contributions to this topic of course)? Apart from years looking after and welcoming New people, desperately trying to keep meets alive, a source of advice and being an all round good guy, he's right Frank youve done furk all. You peoples heads are so far up your own arses its not real. Ive been coming to meets and trackdays for years and know none of you committee guys but I know Frank.
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