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terzo neil

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Everything posted by terzo neil

  1. paisley freight
  2. how much is it at progrip arch badly needing the newage done
  3. thought he had BAW and gus wanted some to get BAG and parked them side by side
  4. already been done here james666 on here has a hondaru and goes round knockhill, looks like a honda and sounds and goes like a wrx on heat and weighs only 880kgs
  5. when you getting your first asbo for noise mate i must be nearly there with the classic now, all cats out, open neck downpipe with an apexi 3inch exhaust with 2 very small silencers
  6. it is a 'No' for the bonnet as just had the whole front end painted and rear drivers quarter panel done, car is looking mint now, was thinking of a matt black roof to be different
  7. what you think ? matt black roof on a blue subaru yes or no ? http://lh3.ggpht.com/_5GiOMWbsYn0/SxQ-ieF9...HZwuOk/s720/IMG
  8. not going, got a nighshift and a half to do the following day, might be there to watch been on site for 6pm in stenhousemuir and leave site around 8am the next day, then travel home
  9. drive on them, get them warm and sticky, you'll be fine enjoy kames
  10. not alot mate, already changed the front 2 tyres due to the prodrive set up must have been around 4000 miles and cars twicthy as well oer cambered roads backs are nearly down to markers in 6500 miles mate but drive like you stole it up the back roads what you got for offering phil
  11. i would like to use toyo r888 tyres but price is around 160 a corner, but last for around 2000 miles i did wear out a brand new set of yoko 032R tyres in 17 miles till bald on a rwd car
  12. got toyo t1-R on the classic all round, handles very nicely got re70's on the newage and can slide that quite easily on the roundabouts and certain corners in the dry and wet had federal s595 on the classic when got it from s and s service, found them to be good tyres, in both dry and wet conditions can get the federals S595 for 57 a corner and W rated to 168 mph
  13. needing new tyres soon, currently running RE70's (225/45 x 17) and getting low, got a mint spare around 6mm and a 3mm tyres in storage wonder do i buy just 3 Re70's or do i change tyre manufacture all together what are your lot are using in that size ?
  14. edited for correct weight due to all metal work thats been fitted recently
  15. best of luck Stephen in what you decide as i have decisions myself to make see you around sprint/hillclimb circuit
  16. wilky sorry for the loss of the car, words cant describe it please hope that insurance is good to you and you are covered for this
  17. as many as you i have some stickers on the clasic from the mcrae gathering thought it was time to move on, and de-sticker both scoobies including the sidc stickers and colin mcrae stickers as 3 years on from his sad exit from this world, thinking of punting one or both scoobies, and selling my mcrae gathering limited edition print, and my 6ft long high definiation print of the mosiac of cars spelling his name, and a brand new unused prodrive top in xl (fat boy size) 2 unused gathering stickers (both stickers away for serious money) and an exit sticker serious offers for both prints and top and stickers, pictures can be sent via email the forum doesnt seem to be friendly as it used to be, all this in-house fighting Neil
  18. keys are coded now, car is much use as a chocolate fire guard if not got the keys to start it
  19. one of your worst ideas ever what you need is a van with a tow rope catch the little bugger, rope round ankles and take him for a wee drag along the high street, with sign on van 'this what happens to you if caught nicking cars'
  20. you will know whose running more power than he should be, will be easy to spot
  21. if cars running in same bhp bracket, times should be close, down to driver skill if someone enters a higher powered car in a low power bracket, it will stick out like a sore thumb according the times posted, unless he is sand bagging quite alot
  22. i would go bhp with 4 class suggested
  23. you can get a good car for 5 grand
  24. Del is wondering does the trailer handle better than his current car
  25. just found an easy way to get rid of his excess fluid from the night before
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