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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Giving up the ghost while mapping must be seriously frustrating. Especially if she was going like stink. Glad you've sorted it already and hope you'll be flying again soon [Y]
  2. Doh!!!!! [:$] PMSL [] er, who changed the word oil for engine [][:$] Theres a couple more things still to do before I take to the track again [] Not yet. Don' t tempt me [] Thanks everyone [Y][]
  3. Picked my baby up today [] Big thanks to David and API impreza for looking after her and doing a stirling job in building the engine. Can't recommend them enough, excellent advice and service and a company who take as much care in your motor as you would [Y] I am sooo pleased to have her back [][] Think the 1000 mile engine change will come a little earlier than I thought. I done 250 miles before I brought her home []
  4. PMSL [] They can't hide forever. The bears gonna get it []
  5. There were none in Asda tonight. All they had were pin badges []
  6. Been waiting a while for this to start. Hope its not a pile of pants []
  7. Nice one Mark [H] Been looking at this myself. How loud is it?
  8. One of the worst [][][]
  9. Happy Birthdat Sarah. Hope you have a great day [D][D][^][^][<)][<)]
  10. Or in laymans terms, NO [][][]
  11. Thats a result mate. Nice one [Y]
  12. Happy Birthday Pele. Hope you have a good one [D][D][^][^]
  13. If you've got a full decat then it could just be the turbo spinning up.
  14. Good news. Bet your glad you've finally got rid of her.
  15. Certainly hope so Tony. That would kill me []
  16. Hello and welcome along mate [] Looks like you'll fit in well []
  17. Sounds good to me [H][]
  18. Was told to originally aim to pick it up last Saturday but it wasn't ready and was told this Saturday. Have spoken to API today and as one of the engine builders has been ill its been put back and will now not be ready till next Tuesday or Wednesday which, as I can't have anymore time off of work, means the Saturday after (11th of November) so I've still got a week and a half to wait [] although I'd rather wait and have them take their time and do a pucker job [Y] On the plus side it should be well worth the wait when I actually get it back [][H]
  19. Wanna see a pic first []
  20. PMSL [] I bet the grip is phenominal []
  21. As the only people to express an opinion have said to travel up as Kent Scoobies then lets just say thats what we're doing. Now its just down to someone to post times and meeting places [Y]
  22. Are you a newbie? [][][]
  23. Bad news mate. Fingers crossed I've still got a clean one. Although much of that is helped by Road Angel [] Mind you not having a car makes it easy too []
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