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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Open the control panel and from there click on add or remove programmes. This will give you a list of installed programmes one of which should be Yahoo. Click on this and then click on add/remove and it should remove it for you.
  2. LMFAO [] Thats funny as f**k [] I could spend hours there waiting for some pr**k to drive into the bollards just to laugh at them and take the p**s []
  3. Lets hope you have a better choice of panel beater than you do mechanic [][][]
  4. Happy Birthday Mark [Y] Hope you have a good one [^][^]
  5. Cheers Tony [Y]
  6. If anyone actually goes then I'm sure we'll meet up with you Iain [][Y]
  7. The car looks well tidy Tony [H] And I'm glad to see the engine hasn't fallen out yet []
  8. E-mail me the new one then Tony please[]
  9. Good evening people []
  10. Me too. Was waiting for the thread to be removed [][][]
  11. You're more than welcome mate [Y] You'll have to go as number 1 on the reserve list at the minute though.
  12. RUNNING LIST 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Deani-age 4. Q-Dog 5. T123vor 6. Antz 7. Steveee 8. Scoots 9. Shiralee 10. Giblets 11. HOL 12. scoobywhite74 13. Paul WRX 14. Anger 15. Neilo 16. cheesey_555 17. Andy_C 28 18. Dunks 19. MickyW 20. Big Jay 21. JohnD 22. V5 Man (Evo 6) 23. Stuart Page 24. Dill H 25. Jay m A 26. Ty 27. madras 28. Ade (tbc) 29. scogsywrx 30. Squadron-Leader Reserve list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You can slip in there at number 20 Jay [Y]
  13. Just renewed my membership for another year [Y][H]
  14. Thats a quality bunch of pictures [H] Looks like you had a great fun on a pucker day out [Y]
  15. Undecided between the gold and white. Both look smart [H]
  16. Why thank you kind sir [][] I'm certainly hoping so [][]
  17. With the engine costing me over £5k I've got no chance of being able to afford anything this side of christmas and for a few months after as well []
  18. It is frustrating when we are treated like children and some of the posts are moderated when there is no need, this has led me to question whether I still want to be a member of the SIDC but after thinking about it I agree with what Granby said; the pros far outweigh the cons.
  19. ^ ^ ^ Wasn't an insult it was a statement of fact. Didn't realise we were back in kindergarton!
  20. Try PMing Jolly Green Monster on here [Y]
  21. First one was funny [Y] The neighbours could hear me groaning at the second one []
  22. Loads of people take them off mate.
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