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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Bob Dunn Western Swing Steel Guitar Pioneer Robert Lee Dunn was born in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, on February 5, 1908, the oldest of four children. He became interested in Hawaiian guitar as a young boy and took correspondence courses on the instrument from Walter Kolomoku. At the age of 19 he joined a professional touring unit called the Panhandle Cowboys and Indians. He joined Milton Brown and the Musical Brownies in the early 1930's, replacing Wanna Coffman. His steel playing was featured on the recordings by this band until he left the band following the death of Milton Brown in 1936. Bob Dunn's first recordings for Decca with Milton Brown are considered to be the first electric instrument recordings. After Brown's death, Dunn played with many different groups, including Roy Newman, Cliff Bruner's Texas Wanderers, Bill Mounce and the Sons of the South, and Buddy Jones. He made some recordings on Decca under the name Bob Dunn's Vagabonds (actually Cliff Bruner's Texas Wanderers). Bob Dunn's style was virtually unique among the steel guitarists of his time. He was an admirer of the trombonist Jack Teagarden and took a similar approach to his soloing, using a horn-like phrasing far away from the Hawaiian stylings of the day. He always tried to treat the steel guitar as a jazz instrument, or what he termed a "modern instrument". Bob Dunn ended his professional musical career with the onset of World War II. He enlisted and served during the war. After the war, he earned a degree in music from the Southern College of Fine Arts and opened a music store in Houston. He died in Houston on May 27, 1971. Here's Bob Dunn's solo from the song "Cheesy Breeze" (134K .au). It gives a small idea of the invention and daring Dunn brought to his guitar playing. []
  2. A compilation of 3 and 4 [Y]
  3. A gooner and a yiddo under the same roof!! That must make for interesting matchdays []
  4. I thought thats what you said just wanted to make sure [][] No. Apparently he's 'ill' [][]
  5. Sorry Ian. Could you repeat that I didn't hear it [][][]
  6. Damn. Beat me to it [][]
  7. And a map for good measure []
  8. Tonys link in a clicky[]
  9. PMSL [] Hope he's careful. He's only used to 12RP compared to 250HP []
  10. You dressing up then Phil? [][][]
  11. Or you could click the FAQ tab at the top of this page [] Welcome along mate [Y] Have given my two pence worth in your other post []
  12. PMSL []
  13. I'm sure you give it a good try [][][]
  14. VOSA need to limit the speed of coaches that are carrying 52 people and do 90MPH instead of worrying about vans [:@] VOSA are a bunch of pr*cks in the mould of the government who target the easiest targets to make them the most money [:@]
  15. PMSL [] How true is that!!
  16. ROFFPMSL [][] Best joke I've heard in months []
  17. It'll be out. They all are. Do you know anyone with sat nav or a road angel or the like. You can use the GPS speedo on that to check against your car speedo.
  18. Multi-tasking means women can breath and blink at the same time doesn't it [][]
  19. PMSL [] Some good ones there []
  20. Good news [Y]
  21. Must have been a good do......no sign of Sheepie this morning unless he's already at work His do is tonight Barry, your eyesight must be going with old age [] LMFAO []
  22. This is Kent Scoobies, its not you that did the thick bit [][]
  23. Hello Gina and welcome to the madhouse [] The grinning never stops. Whether its driving it, modding it or just looking at it [][H]
  24. The lines have been re-instated on the other side of the road for a while now too so it won't be long before that one goes bac in as well [:@]
  25. Happy Birthday Dean. Hope you have a good one [^]
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