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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. PMSL [] I'm saying nothing [][]
  2. Could everyone on the list below please confirm that they are still going so we know for sure who's going and so we don't have to wait for people who are not turning up [Y] Cheers Ian 1. Granby [Y] 2. mickyw [Y] (meeting us at Makros) 3. T123VOR[Y] 4. turismo [Y] 5. Dalthegooner [Y] 6. Baser999 [Y] 7. Daniel [Y] 8. Padtwo [Y] 9. Nudge [Y] 10. Loony Toon [Y] 11. Pele [Y] 12. Scuzz & Herman [Y] 13. Loonybin [Y] 14. SCOOBYTOO [Y] 15. Karn (aka. Still Grinning) [Y] 16. Dunks [Y] 17. bugeyed pug [Y] 18. Prodrive Tony (TBC) 19.
  3. Evening Egg and welcome along to the madhouse []
  4. Jesus christ [] Lucky, thats more than lucky []
  5. PMSL [] Maybe open a book [] I'll have 360BHP and 350Lb/ft torque []
  6. Definately keep us updated Dean. With a bit of luck I'll see you at PE, work permitting, will be interesting to see what she pulls [Y]
  7. Girls can be into Scoobies too Andy [][][] So long as it's healthy mate I'll take either. Just luck to be given the chance. Some people don't get even that. Too true mate [Y][]
  8. I sse it coming from the otherside now LOL Thanks Dalthegooner [] Happy to help [][][]
  9. Girls can be into Scoobies too Andy [][][] Your right there!! my Daughter came with me to the Taton Park meet and realy enjoyed herself[] Yep. My grandaughter loves it too [Y] Its hard to get her away from the track when cars are running [] and she absolutely loves a flaming exhaust []
  10. Girls can be into Scoobies too Andy [][][]
  11. Put in my two pence worth too []
  12. Could everyone on the list below please confirm that they are still going so we know for sure who's going and so we don't have to wait for people who are not turning up [Y] Cheers Ian 1. Granby (as long as i can get the day off) 2. mickyw [Y] (meeting us at Makros) 3. T123VOR 4. turismo [Y] 5. Dalthegooner [Y] 6. Baser999 7. Daniel 8. Padtwo [Y] 9. Nudge 10. Loony Toon [Y] 11. Pele [Y] 12. Scuzz & Herman 13. Loonybin 14. SCOOBYTOO [Y] 15. Scoots [Y] 16. Karn (aka. Still Grinning) 17. Dunks 18. bugeyed pug 19. yogi- and skippy (work permitting) 20.
  13. Come to Children In Need next Friday and you can spot everyone []
  14. I was waiting to see pics with the jet in the back seat [][][]
  15. Could everyone on the list below please confirm that they are still going so we know for sure who's going and so we don't have to wait for people who are not turning up [Y] Cheers Ian 1. Granby (as long as i can get the day off) 2. mickyw [Y] (meeting us at Makros) 3. T123VOR 4. turismo [Y] 5. Dalthegooner [Y] 6. Baser999 7. Daniel 8. Padtwo (as long as I can get the day off) 9. Nudge 10. Loony Toon [Y] 11. Pele [Y] 12. Scuzz & Herman 13. Loonybin 14. SCOOBYTOO [Y] 15. Scoots [Y] 16. Karn (aka. Still Grinning) 17. Dunks 18. bugeyed pug 19. yogi- and skippy (work permitting) 20.
  16. Heres a couple of pics of my flaps [][]
  17. Could everyone on the list below please confirm that they are still going so we know for sure who's going and so we don't have to wait for people who are not turning up [Y] Cheers Ian 1. Granby (as long as i can get the day off) 2. mickyw [Y] (meeting us at Makros) 3. T123VOR 4. turismo (TBC) 5. Dalthegooner [Y] 6. Baser999 7. Daniel 8. Padtwo (as long as I can get the day off) 9. Nudge 10. Loony Toon [Y] 11. Pele [Y] 12. Scuzz & Herman 13. Loonybin 14. SCOOBYTOO [Y] 15. Scoots [Y] 16. Karn (aka. Still Grinning) 17. Dunks 18. bugeyed pug 19. yogi- and skippy (work permitting) 20.
  18. They're not gonna be on it now. Its the finale tonight which is a 30 lap formula ford race and I bet they show the full race to fill up the hour.
  19. Black newage on the road coming from the M25/A20 roundabout into Swanley [Y]
  20. Are we gonna get a pic posted anytime soon? [:^)][]
  21. Could everyone on the list below please confirm that they are still going so we know for sure who's going and so we don't have to wait for people who are not turning up [Y] Cheers Ian 1. Granby (as long as i can get the day off) 2. mickyw [Y] (meeting us at Makros) 3. T123VOR 4. turismo (TBC) 5. Dalthegooner CONFIRMED 6. Baser999 7. Daniel 8. Padtwo (as long as I can get the day off) 9. Nudge 10. Loony Toon 11. Pele 12. Scuzz & Herman 13. Loonybin 14. SCOOBYTOO [Y] 15. Scoots [Y] 16. Karn (aka. Still Grinning) 17. Dunks 18. bugeyed pug 19. yogi- and skippy (work permitting) 20.
  22. OI!! that's granbys job Yeah leave that to the rain master[] Well lets put it this way.....................................................................i've just washed & waxed the car [st] On the strength of that I'm leaving mine till tomorrow now then []
  23. I'll be there Friday mate [Y] You'll have to be gentle with me though [][]
  24. Morning all [] I'm off out for breakfast then its time to see if I can make it rain []
  25. LMFAO [][] Both quality Mark but the first one was first class []
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