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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. I can't make this [N] Got the ceiling down in the bathroom. Thought it'd be back up by now but still working on it. Gutted []
  2. That looks alright Trev [H] and it certainly is blue []
  3. Hello Bateman and welcome to the madhouse []
  4. Her you go. This is Tony's wheel [Y]
  5. PMSL []
  6. Thats good news [H] Glad its all fixed [Y]
  7. Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the Pearly gates. "In honour of this holy season," Saint Peter said, "You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven." The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. It represents a candle, he said. "You may pass through the Pearly gates", said Saint Peter. The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, "They're bells." Saint Peter said "you may pass through the Pearly gates". The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's knickers. St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, "And just how do those symbolize Christmas?" The man replied, "They're Carols."
  8. Agreed. But I'd like to point out the point of the original post in this thread []
  9. LMFAO [][] They're both quality [Y]
  10. Whilst this is a shame I can only put the blame squarely at their own feet. Whenever I've needed a bit of help from Subaru they have been unco-operative, unhelpful and unproffessional. They have never returned any calls and have never done anything they promised to do. )The only reason I've never said anything before now is their link (All be it a tenuous one) to Kent Scoobies.) For a helpful and proffessional service I wouldn't use anyone else other than Walldonway Subaru. They've always bent over backwards to help [Y] Thisa also explains why the paperwork that came through from Subaru RE the 06 Scooby came from Walldonway as my nearest dealer []
  11. I've never known a good renewal deal from one of the "big" insurance companies. They try and make out that they are all good by "only" raising your premium by £30 nor £40. Erm, excuse me. I've got another years no claims how the fu*k can my insurance be more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give Gary Molsen at Keith Michaels a call on 0208 6427868 or 0208 6436006. Make sure you ask for Gary Molsen to get the best deal. They'll definately beat Winston []
  12. Whilst I've not used Deano myself (Yet []) I've heard nothing but good things and would recommend him. Surfice to say that once my new engine has clocked up enough miles that it needs a service that I can't do myself then its the first number I'm gonna call [Y]
  13. Liverpool away is an easy tie Barry [] And when we bring home the European Cup next May remember your post [] By the way we are still in the Carling Cup as well. Where we play Liverpool oin the quarter finals []
  14. Is your spoiler leaking mate? Window sealent is basically mastic. Not a good idea to put under your spoiler if you ever wanna take it off in the future. The spoiler should have a foam strip around the perimeter, which when bolted down creates a seal. If I were you I'd replace this rather than use a sealent on it. If that is the way you want to go though then get some clear mastic from B&Q or the like. Although I would seriously advise against it.
  15. LOOKING AT YOUR POST COUNT I WOULD KEEP QUIET! Yes, but the way Dals going he'll be past me by the end of the year [] I hope your not insinuating that I've been on here wh*ring [][][]
  16. You will need to change the downpipe and centre section (So yoiu might as well change the back bos for good measure as well [] as well as change to a VTA dump valve in order for the flamer to work. Check out Hayward & Scott for the exhaust. You will not pass an MOT with a full decat although there are certain places you can go that will sort this for you for a few extra pound notes [] They change your exhaust for one with cats in, MOT the motor then change them back [Y]
  17. In order to outrun an M3 I'd give them a seconds headstart [][Y]
  18. Heres a pic taken from Scoobynet. And I can safely say its not my cup of tea [+o(][+o(]
  19. Yep. I'm a psycho too []
  20. I think a better bet would be to scrub the list and organise by PM [][Y]
  21. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I like the sound of that [][]
  22. Get yourself a photobucket account (It's free []) and upload the photos onto there. Once uploaded cut and paste the IMG link under the photo into your post and your picture will appear when you post the post (If this makes sense [:$]) []
  23. You need a longer bed, a softer headboard, or wear your crash helmet![] PMSL [] Classic [Y]
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