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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Nice one [Y] Mondays an age yo have to wait for it to be fitted I bet your like a kid in a sweetie shop with no hands []
  2. Some good figures there [H][Y] Have you been a naughty girl again Stressy [][]
  3. LMFAO [] Bloody hooligan []
  4. I reckon about the 300 mark mate.
  5. In less than a year. You're such a wh*re Trev [][]
  6. Cheers Ian [Y] Clutchless gear change when booting it sounds good [H] But at that price [] it can stay on the list for a while []
  7. Good evening ladies and gentleman [Y]
  8. I'm seriously fussy and theres no way you'll get me to eat any moody Chinese food []
  9. [Y] In a f**king golf kart. Whats that all about [:^)]
  10. The Mrs spotted a green wagon in Crayford today. In the McDonalds retail park (For want of a better expression [])
  11. LMFAO [][] Thats brilliant [Y]
  12. Looking good Quentin. If it wasn't for the dirty thieving scumbag c**ts then we'd have pink graphics now too [Y] Piccy of Tony's link Can't find any pics of Karyn's (Shescooby []) motor but its got to be the original pink graphic'd scooby [Y]
  13. Just been and checked. When I was cleaning her Sunday I didn't get time to finish the polishing/waxing because of the sh*t winter daylight hours and the bumper had some wax on it that I'd missed. All sorted now [][][Y]
  14. What top end does the 5th give you Dean?,how much was the gear set and are they straight cut?(No idea what straight cut is but have read its good so any info greatly appreciated.) Have a new gearbox in now but am thinking about uprating it next year to match the engine []
  15. Not as far as I know. What time was that? I'm gonna go out and put on the wheel clamp in a minute so I'll double check but it better not be [:@]
  16. Hello Suzy and welcome to the madhouse [] Hope you enjoy your stay []
  17. Aye fingers crossed for you Dean. Hope it all comes together in time [Y]
  18. You too Nige [Y] Clocked a few more running in miles up []
  19. Good Morning Kent Scoobies and welcome to Sunday []
  20. Give Bob our best and wish him a speedy recovery [Y]
  21. pmsl...........in the end i don't think we did to bad as we all arrived at Makros within' 15-20 mins of each other which considering the weather conditions was great result [Y] Some people only thanks to others [] Thank god for mobile phones and old fashioned maps [] Cheers for the homing beacon Ian [Y]
  22. Oi. It wasn't me that went plane spotting [] I went for a reccy of the route before hand to make sure it was all clear [][]
  23. Was a good night apart from the rain [st][st][st] (Some of the worst driving conditions I've ever driven in [] although spending as much time looking at the rev counter as the road didn't help []) and the fact that we had to drive like Miss Daisy around Norwich, which was so frustrating!!! And then we were some of the lightweights who left early []
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