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Everything posted by iainc

  1. Am just waiting on the 355 spyder I think to complete the set. Only really worth it for the kids to play with anyway as they are cheap plasticy things.
  2. I like it... was just thinking with mine being grey I could have the Abz skyline in it which would be quite fitting
  3. Had heard (possibly on this forum) that in the event of a claim that some traders insurance will request to see your books for the last so many years... doesn't pay out if you aren't actually a trader IYKWIM. Might be worth definitely checking on that kind of point if anyone was considering a traders policy... would hate to think of someone saving a couple of hundred quid and then losing a good few grand 'cos the ins co won't pay out.
  4. Yup, I've had two as well. They are recorded delivery or something so possibly you've not been around to get them (although I'd have thought they'd have chucked a card in the door about it)
  5. Heres me wondering about how to get a remap and full decat past the wife and you are whackin' on a new set of gfx onto a car that needs new parts to make it work properly again... personally I'd ensure it worked properly before I start adding more gfx to it, esp if you end up like last time and only last a year or so with them. Sorry... I know that people have said that blue and orange go together (as in Irn Bru) but IMHO they don't on a car. End of the day though its your money and your car so just do what you want anyway
  6. The monster ones were a lot better than the orange though... the orange might go with some cars but not the blue of yours...
  7. Agreed with the consensus on here, the orange gfx don't work. The Monster ones had the right kind of look but as said seemed to be missing something. Certainly the mock up you did last time looked a lot better than this... sorry.
  8. Pffft, that's nothing. Was wondering why the wife was taking her time getting home last night, was after 11pm and she still hadn't come in... went and looked outside and there was a good inch or so of snow lying around our house/cars, etc. Hadn't even realised. Most of it's gone this morning, just wee pockets of it lying here and there.
  9. Yeah, IIRC there is a BP opposite the college in Inverness and am sure there is another petrol station leading back from the college to the Kessock bridge, just not sure what kind it is. Not sure if the station that was underneath Raigmore heights (or whatever the high rise flats are called) is still open or what brand it is either.
  10. Would be interested in wheres the best myself 'cos we're heading up Elgin way this weekend and possibly out past Inverness as well at some point.
  11. Cheap plastic pull back and go cars... but the kids like them
  12. That's not what I said... ...but no I don't personally... grandparents were native speakers of it though... just grew up on the wrong side of the country to get taught it.
  13. Just did this... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/629/629/7290230.stm and found that despite the hike in fuel duty and car tax we're supposedly still gonna be a couple of hundred quid a year better off... it's always something to go towards the remap I suppose
  14. I can't afford to "lose" money, but I've spent it on the car. Same way that if I buy a big telly, guitar, lawnmower, etc that I've spent that money too. I could maybe make some of it back again if I sold the things but I don't want to. Same goes for the car. I need one to go to/from work anyway, and I like something that handles/goes as well. Can't afford to have to run many different cars so need to pick one that does it all, scoob is the perfect choice.
  15. Rightly or wrongly I assume that once I've bought a car I've spent (or lst) the lot. Only once I come round to selling the car do I wonder about how much I'd get for it.
  16. TBH, by the looks of things on the for sale sections of the various BBS's recently scoobs haven't really been selling anyway. TBH, it wasn't a reason I bought the STi anyway. I have no plans to get rid of mine, and unless petrol suddenly gets a LOT more expensive AND the tax gets real pricey I still can't see me getting rid of it either. For someone doing the "average" mileage (12k) then you are currently spending somewhere ITRO £3k-ish on petrol for a year, £300 for tax and whatever for insurance (I'm about £400-450) so I'd be somewhere in the region of £3500-4k in fuel, tax and insurance (before mods, etc ), adding a couple of hundred to the tax and even about a quid a gallon extra really isn't worth making the change 'cos the value of the car would have dropped so much (I expect). All Turbo'd scoobs will not be cheap to run, the difference in running costs between a mid 90's scoob and the worst CO2 offender will still probably only be ITRO £200-300 a year which is less than a quid per day or about £25 a month. When you are talking about performance cars it's FA really (and I'm not minted).
  17. Wonder how many people are p*ssed off 'cos it's in Gaelic Just watched one of the 6R4's heading thru' a stage... I *still* LOVE them...
  18. Well the 06 STi is in the top group, but we have a Leon Cupra TDi and it's cheap as fook to tax, so I look at it as being the same as two "normal" cars to tax IYKWIM... IIRC the Leon was £110 for the whole year.
  19. Personally I think it's just a cunning way to make the new hatchback Impreza look more attractive TBH, the sooner they get shot of road tax and put it onto the fuel so it actually affects those that use the car the most often the better, but then why would they bother when they can do that *and* charge for road tax as well.
  20. Was a crackin' set of races right enough. Thought that the Duke was gonna have a lot more competition this year based on the first few laps, but it did look like they had screwed the power down for the first few laps and then turned it back up to normal part way thru'. Looks to be a good season for the "rookies", but hopefully Rossi learns the new tyres sooner rather than later to try and stop the Duke disappearing into the distance (although Lorenzo did a good job trying to hold on). Watched the 125 race last night and the guy that won it must have HUGE B*lls, he looked in so much pain by the end of it with such a painful shoulder (Same goes for Hopper with the groin muscle injury ). All in all it looks like it could be a real good season as long as the Ducati doesn't just romp away into the distance every race.
  21. The side looks okay, wasn't so sure about the front but looking at it again it's growing on me.
  22. Stunning figures... must be a complete ANIMAL on the road/track. Love it
  23. Yeah, I picked up one last week as well, Enzo for me
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