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Everything posted by iainc

  1. Why won't Elgin? Don't they ever have V Power days? I just did a quick splash and dash today when I spotted that it was tomorrow... really needed some today though.
  2. So is it a V power day in Keith or Elgin on the 24th as it seems to be everywhere else? Anyone near those locations able to check them out to see? Cheers, Iain.
  3. Seems to be the same in Dyce as well... anyone know if the garage in Keith is also going to be doing the promo tomorrow? Just I don't want to have to drive via Dyce to fill up if I can do it in Keith tomorrow instead as that's the way I'm heading anyway
  4. "I'll have as much power as you can get out of it please" AndyF isn't related to Scotty from Star Trek is he?
  5. Yup, well done... looks and sounds (from the way it's described) like it's a bit of an animal... you do realise though that it's people like you that give me a bad name... 'cos I then go home and start planning things and the wife just isn't happy about it
  6. Everyone can see at a glance why it was removed so there should be no "I'm being picked on" type comments (although I guess that is still possible as well). I assume when a post is removed that it's kept so that the moderating team can look at it (just to ensure that one person isn't doing it all IYKWIM, although if you manage to p*ss off *all* the mods it's probably time to move on anyway )
  7. How hard is it to remove someones post and put a "Post edited to remove drivel" type comment? (not taking the p*ss... I dunno how much more work it'd be to do that rather than simply delete/remove the post). I know I'd far rather see a post like that than hear someone banging on about posts being deleted, etc and wonder what was going on.
  8. Was originally looking for 18's for the 06STi but ended up getting a set of 19's instead. The ride on them is no different to the 17's on the RE070s.
  9. IMO, why p*ss about with a programmable aftermarket ECU if the OE one will do the job just as well. AFAIK an EcuTEK remap is a fully customisable map for the car you actually have, without buying an aftermarket part. Now if you have passed the limits of the OE part then I can see the pont in having an aftermarket part, ie so you can have a 1200bhp monster or something... but why would you p*ss about having something like that if you were looking to have something at say 500bhp[1] or less? [1] - Personally have no idea what figure the OE chip has issue with, actual figures may be higher or lower... see banking BS for more info
  10. Hadn't had a chance to put an order in yet either... I know you say that you CBA going thru' it all again but there is a company up here Craigdon (possibly around your way as well?) which do very much the same kinds of things as business gifts, etc. Might be worth contacting them to see if it's possible to continue using the templates you already have, etc?
  11. Fair enough, I just wondered right enough as there seem to be more and more people heading to that kind of levels of power... Saying that I was used to a TD05 on a 94 wagin before... now that was lag
  12. Personally I'd spend the money on sortig the issue first and then see what is left for mods afterwards... last thing you want to do is spend a few grand on a stronger engine and find that it's still exactly the same running wise.
  13. So with all of the 450-500bhp+ cars that are kicking around these days, is it possible to get that kind of power and still have something that is an "easy" daily driver that spools as quick, if not quicker than std?
  14. No idea about those ones but I know that the wheels that I've recently put on needed "special" nuts to hold them on as the std ones weren't going to fit at all. Hopefully someone with those wheels will be able to give you a better idea though (fingers crossed the std ones fit).
  15. I used a Dawes device when I wanted to up the boost on my old classic which was a cheap way of doing what a piggyback can do. If I was doing it on the 06STi I'd have it remapped properly. If the choice is £25 Vs remap price then money might come into it and you go for the cheap option 'cos you can't afford the remap, but as far as I'm aware you pay more than half as much for the piggyback as you can get a remap done for so it gets a lot closer. No way I'd risk a piggyback and having to pay as much as that when a little extra gets a fully customisable bespoke map tailored to the car.
  16. Is it worth getting them to swap out the ECU for another one to fully rule it out? If you are going all out in your mods instead of replacing it with a new one then is it worth getting an aftermarket ECU "system" to give you a bit more control as well?
  17. You still haven't said what the issues are? poor fuel economy? Rough idle? very lumpy running? cutting out on WOT?
  18. What exactly is the problem with the one you have at the moment? Surely you could also remove the mods you have on the existing motor and either sell these to generate more cash (ie smaller or shorter loan) or simply pop them on the new car as I'm sure they'd all fit (obviously the tek licence would be lost I guess).
  19. Ah, fair enough. Those power figures the approx figures the turbo will make on any engine or just on the 2.0? (ie does the 2.5 get better figures from the same thing?)
  20. Not heard of FP turbos before but not sure what your post meant, is it that SM do these turbos (and LP do the MD321 turbos) or something else?
  21. That's what I have on my ones now... the edge is a shiney silver and the rest anthracite (see the revolution demo car to see pics of them).
  22. Yup, as is or slightly darker but not black. Black wouldn't look good on that colour of car IMO.
  23. That's my hope as well. Just swapped mine over from RE070's to T1R's and hoping that they aren't too bad in the snow.
  24. I had the Magnex 6"x4" oval backbox on my classic wagon which seemed to fit perfectly. Wouldn't want something as large on the STi though.
  25. I'm with you on this one... I want something (as and when I change it) that gives me the best performance possible, is well made and will last but that looks as std as possible. Really not a fan of the huge "dustbin" back boxes you see on some cars.
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