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Everything posted by heazille

  1. Hey Kristan, do believe you have lost something off the back off your car!! Ta Ta Richard
  2. Hey Guys, what about chinese tonight nat imperial, Buffet night, Kids welcome half price, (not you jon) Myself,terrapin,little princess, aircrest, all coming anyone else? Ta Ta Richard
  3. Yo mean n green, you can borrow my video and windscreen mount if you want, but i am not back till the monday night Ta Ta Richard
  4. Good on ya mate, I will be in spain for the Catalunya rally, but the rest of the lads will be about and i will be back on monday the 27th. see at the garage!! but am away again on the 31st for the AGM Ta ta Richard Scooby Island
  5. Hi Jon, http://www.gtgrafix.com/ This one is working Ta Ta Richard
  6. Would be fun though, and its open to all members
  7. The agm is in the northampton area(i have all the details but for general geographic info) And is at 4.30 in the afternoon, provided leave by 9.00pm gives us 4 hours to do 260 miles! HOW much fun convoy of scoobies with reg no's that the cameras do not recognise!!!!
  8. Jon, that just happens to be the AGM weekend that Brian and i are going too, coming back on the same boat!!
  9. When where u off thinking Jon?
  10. We went from fireworks to shooting, and did not seem to come back!!! Still waiting for Jon,(i think) to sort out. And its his day off!!
  11. Not for long if you get yer hands on it!!
  12. YHM cret. Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  13. Hi Jon, Which greenhouse u workin in tomorrow night!
  14. I,m keen tim, but margies not so sure. we have a few4 legged friends to look after, you know 1 dog and now 6 cats (thanks jon) Ta ta Richard
  15. We,ll be around somewhere mate no worries, No scooby!, you on foot, hire car etc etc. PSM, not a lot down there Ta Ta Richard.
  16. good idea, will work on a venue
  17. coudnt get past some fella called boxer!!
  18. Welcome and enjoy the forum Tiddz! Ta Ta Richard Regional Organiser Scooby Island
  19. Car 4 wheels L Plates!! We got no spare time
  20. Help, Someone with the nerves of steel The patience of a saint And does not mind travelling in a certain Citroen Saxo that has in the past been known to over take more than one scooby at once! Qualified 3 legged folk ONLY need apply Apply to the Royal Folk Scooby Island
  21. Your in trouble now boy!!! Best start running, i give u 2 Sausages, and you give me 8 legs!!! On me way to Colours as we speak! Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  22. Def wont be that weekend mate, we will be in Catalunya! Richard
  23. heazille

    IOM video

  24. Brian, does indeed have lots of photos. But he is busy trying to get things clear with work to leave the weekend free, apparently there are some peeps coming over this weekend! Trying to get jackie up an running as well, it's tough at the top! Ta Ta Richard T-1 Scooby Island
  25. No else is up for it, so keep the coloured flag flying! Will prob be in Port Erin!! Ta Ta Richard
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