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Everything posted by heazille

  1. Even putting mussell's on just for Jackie
  2. Plenty of seaweed for neil! You coming Steve?
  3. Shooters! AGAIN
  4. Thats Farely Loud
  5. Is there no end to your capabilitys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet! Ta Ta Richard
  6. Welcome and enjoy the forum steve, No doubt custom will have an idea, there are only a couple of places on the rock that we would trust!! You coming to the Chinese tonight to meet some of us!! Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  7. Morning! Dude
  8. Dave (and wife) now reads as Dave and Mandy BUT he keeps swearing at me 'Restricted' on Scooby Island, whats that all about!!!!! Me thinks the boys will sort that one out See ya all later Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  9. BlueBoy I touch goats
  10. £12 per head eat what ya like half price for little ones BUT All beer wine etc etc (should we wish to partake in this of course) is extra
  11. Richard Margy Tracey Debbie Paul Danny Nick (provisionally, will let you know nearer the time) DaveK Dave (and Wife) Wopp Room for 1 more on the round table and plenty of room on the next table Ta Ta Richard
  12. Sweet weekend, all dog walks in the trees birds singing woodpeckers pecking etc etc Aye, Paul,Debbie andd Danny are here and will be munching 2moz, currently last seen heading for the mountain again, but then you can see what it's like at the moment, bright blue sky, no cloud and probably not much traffic on 'The Mountain' They have my vid cam set up so should be some good clear pic's Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  13. He had the window open as well! then ragged up governors road, sounded good
  14. oK, Dude
  15. Ere, Dave. White classic (gmn) just gone by and puts your bung out to shame!!!!!!!! MEGA LOUD What ya gonna do about it! Ta Ta Richard
  16. Richard Margy Tracey Debbie Paul Danny Nick (provisionally, will let you know nearer the time) DaveK Dave (and Wife) Anyone else! Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Only joking See ya then, guess you might even be in a scooby Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  18. Should i be looking at the camera's or has he been unfaithfull!!!!
  19. Ere Boxer, message from Tiddz Please change your avator as Vin Diesel IS Fit? PS don't shoot the messenger Ta ta
  20. why for u ask silly questions!!!!!
  21. Hmm, be different!
  22. Swapping Danny for NIck are we!! I think not!! need another post now to correct the 'ACCIDENTAL' name dropping!
  23. In Da Tank Where it should be!!
  24. HI Guys an Gals, How about meeting up wednesday Feb 18th at the Imperial Dragon, Being wed night it's eat what ya like, And we will have a visiting Scooby to entertain. Names please Richard Margy Tracey Debbie Paul Any more! Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  25. HI Andy C No probs will add you too the list, but can you 'e' mail me your postal adress so i can send out the booking form. Thanks Ta Ta Richard PS, 7 places left in the first batch
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