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Everything posted by heazille

  1. Hi Andy, Anne is way ahead of you Ta Ta Richard
  2. Him not You
  3. Can you!! BTW I touch goats
  4. How long have them Kerbs been there!!!!!
  5. Permission Granted!!!! Tell me, HOW bright do ya want the waistcoat, and would you ALL like to borrow one!! But sorry, no lendy the boots Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  6. Just a Little point! Is he meant to be on the Ben, cos it's cancelled untill monday!!
  7. Might be allowed out for a wee while on friday, but am working at 7 sat morning (and sunday) Ta Ta Richard
  8. Just to let you know, The main post area for this is now in the Manx Birthday Bash forum. The name will be changed to Manx Scooby Fest in due course Thanks Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  9. 11 cars & 12 rooms to date
  10. Hi Paul & John Sorted Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  11. Good evening all, Scooby Island Calling, Latest update for the Manx Scooby Fest. We the organising gang have originally booked 20 ferry spaces(and accompaning rooms) as a starter for this event. Guess what, 10 Places have gone already So get yer name down, we can of course book more spaces etc etc, but the later we leave it, there is a chance the price could alter for the later one,s. Also those of you who have not sent me your postal address, please do so as i will be sending out the first lot of booking forms next week. Ta Ta Richard
  12. ! Recieved one on the 26th, charlie, should there be another
  13. DaveK says, just you!!
  14. Paul, The photo of 'Molly' as published on the forum some time ago was not quite right!!!!!!! We wont be hard to spot though, wot with the dog and new puppy! Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  15. Hi Rob, i did get your 'e' mail thanks but when i tried to put it in another folder, it disapeared into cyberspace Can u send me another 'e' mail with your address please, i will then post out a booking form. Thanks Ta Ta Richard PS:- If anyone else would like a booking form (that has not already 'e' mailed me) please contact me at prouse@manx.net
  16. Have recieved thanks, just going to check again as i have replied to you!! Back later, as the paperwork i need is at home, but if you could be slightly flexible, ie come over on sunday and return early thursday, you would save about 120 on the ferry!! Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  17. Sorry, i dont appear to have your 'e' mail can you send again please, with manx scooby bash etc etc in the title as i am being a bit carefull about what i open at the mo, it's alright for all you experts but i can only just about turn the dmn thing on!!!!
  18. Hi Andy & Anne The details are on general discussion somewhere, will see where, although it will be moved shortly Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  19. Hi Martin, YHM Also, 'e' mail request for booking form (i havent finished them yet, but wont be long, the artistic deptartment is working on it as we speak, if he' out of the pub that is) Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  20. Sorry about the extra child place price mistake. i hold my hands up i saw the price given to me as for the week not per night, i know i'm daft (sometimes)but it is correct now Please contact me if it is still unclear Thanks Richard Scooby Island
  21. Right, in order!! Paul, Logo was there when i first posted, so i presume it has been removed would be nice to have that confirmed by someone though. Rob & Dan, See the original post, as it should now be clear as mud!! Phil, Thanks for that mate, BUT it's not just me, i am being ably assisted by, Brian,Jackie,DaveK,Nick & Wopp in all the planning. Graham, Get yer wallet out, it's not that bad really and just think of THE FUN!! Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  22. ere!!!!!! where has the logo gone!!
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