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Everything posted by heazille

  1. I'll be there!
  2. As there will be plenty of driving, Ten pin bowling sounds good will see if i can book a few lanes Ta Ta Richard
  3. Chinese is no prob mate BUT the round table only holds 11, What else do you fancy?
  4. Not long now chaps!!!! The Saturday night is 'free' as far as organised events is concerned, BUT i and my fellow Manx SIDC members would like to organise something for you guy's coming over. What would YOU do if you had the choice? Either reply here or 'e' mail me direct on prouse@manx.net Ta Ta Richard Regional Organiser Isle of Man
  5. Hi Kristan, You have missed the first Manx SIDC meet, but the next one is on July 23rd, BBQ @ the Wildlife park 7.00pm Please 'e' mail me direct at prouse@manx.net and i will add you to my mail list, then you shall miss nowt!! (or just come and see me at Corkills Forecourt Shop) Ta Ta Richard Regional Organiser Isle of Man
  6. Hi mate, Have spoken to John (sl03), he was stopped purely for still having English plate (Sorry DVLA!) on his car, as he was pulled over from the front, this would rule out any Naughty Driving. But John, be aware i heard your phone ringing the other day! don't be tempted to answer it cos it will cost you up to £1000 fine as it is already illegal over here, and they do appear to be keeping an eye out for you!!. Don't worry, the WHITE one will be here soon and they will have someone else to pick on!! Ta Ta Richard Isle of Man
  7. Sorry Listy, Been away and a tad busy and i must admit, i missed your reply. However, should be able to sort something out, please ring me direct on 01624 613833 or 07624 482856 and i will see what i can do . Again, Humble apologies Ta ta Richard Isle of Man
  8. Sorry m8, been busy in garden, (have to keep her sweet, cos i hear new ice is not good ) The meet is at 3.00pm And i will be the one walking!
  9. It might help if i were to give you the number Doh!! 613833 or 482856 or mrp@manx.net Ta Ta Richard
  10. The local price is £150, give me a ring at the forecourt and/or come and see me, I have the details and the local form etc. Ta Ta Richard Isle of Man. PS don't forget the local meet on sunday (22nd) 3.00pm at the Grandstand.
  11. I have got room for a tent in the garden!!! There will be plenty of accomodation, i believe that the number of hotels is limited by FAD, this is to enable them to put all similar cars into the same hotels, i think SIDC is earmarked for the Gala Hotel (Stakis/Hilton or whatever else its called this week!) right on the prom and not to bad I will check and confirm after TT Got 15,000 bikes to fill up (hopefuly all will come and see me & Margy) Ta Ta A tired Richard Isle of Man Soooooooon to be NMN555
  12. Sorry it's NOT Scoobyworld but someone else, (you know who you are!) My apologies, (but it was late and i do start earlier than some of you guys!) Ta Ta Richard Isle of Man
  13. Optimax is not available anywhere on the island!. However a mighty fine selection of Shell Super unleaded is available, (at my petrol station in Onchan, naturaly) As for Octane Booster, i should have some my self to sell, (Come on Scoobyworld, the cheque was cashed weeks ago!!!) I might even have my new beastie by then. Ta Ta Richard NMN555 (soon!)
  14. Ok Guys, Lets have a head count! Whos coming over in September? Ta Ta Richard Ex XMN555 Soon to be NMN555
  15. Tragic Holidays & The Steam Racket making mistakes!! Never! See you in SEPTEMBER Ta Ta Richard XMN555 Isle of Man
  16. Hi Guys & Gals, Just a quick note for all you MANX Boys I am running two stages for this weekend event and am in desperate need of help with marshalling my stages. If you can help, please give me a ring on 482856. Thanks PS i am trying to sort out a date for our first get together here on the Isle of Man, looking at June 22nd Sunday afternoon, meet at the grandstand and proceed onwards!!!! Ta Ta Richard Stage Commander Manx International Rally Roush Manx National Rally
  17. Oops, to quick on the buttons again!!. Ta Ta Richard XMN555 Isle of Man
  18. Oh Yes, there is another big event this year, although not exclusive to Subaru's! The details are here http://www.sidc.co.uk/IOM2003/index.htm Look forward to seing you in September. You never know if i am lucky i MIGHT!! have my new MY03 STI in white, but i am not counting any chickens yet because i ordrered it in February and as of yet do not even have a delivery date at all!!
  19. Its me again!! Any of you local guys & gals on the island wanting to join in the action in september, I now have a price! You know where i am, so come and see me Ta Ta Richard
  20. Hi Guys & Gals, Just a quick update on the Manx Classic 2003. I have just spoken to FAD Promotions and they have told me that the response from the SUBARU crowd has been far better than they thought and so far outnumber the enquirys from all the other invited clubs put together!. So the moral is! If you have thought about coming over but not booked it yet GET CRACKING!! or be dissapointed Ta Ta Richard XMN555 Isle of Man
  21. Hi again paul (and anyone else interested. I now have the prices for traveling to the Isle of Man for the Manx International Rally 2003. The Hotel prices range from £91 for 2 nights in the Glen Mona (2 diamond & very basic!) up to £240 for 5 nights in the Empress or Mount Murray (4 star & very nice) This includes foot passenger fares on the Steam Packet. The car prices range from £89 to £120 (normal fare for then is £199). If interested let me know,we also have a special deal where the first 50 vehicles get an extra £20 discount. Ta Ta Richard Prouse XMN555 Stage Commander Manx International Rally prouse@manx.net
  22. John, (s) Can you 'e' mail me direct on prouse@manx.net ref SIDC 2003 But after march 17 as i am off to Crete in the morning (only 2 Impreza's out there) for two weeks Thanks Ta TA Richard XMN555
  23. Hi Paul, This years Manx International is July 31st to August 2nd and i will have some more details as to the marshals package in due course,, i will let you know directly when i have the details, drop me a line at prouse@manx.net so i can add you to my list. Ta Ta
  24. Good man, i will let you know more details when i have them, if you are interested just 'e' mail me at prouse@manx.net then i will add you to my M.I.R. list. If you could do that then i can respond to al of you at the same time!!! I should have my new beastie by then!!! ta ta richard XMN555 MY97 WRX STi Type R (for sale!)
  25. Welcome to the club, Never mind in from japan!!, come and see me at work in onchan (Corkills Forecourt Shop) as mines for sale!!!! MY97 WRX STi Type R 29,000 miles White, XMN555 (the number is not for sale,sorry) And i have already started doing some SIDC work with getting insurance sorted out with a local firm,ie tracker not needed. Ta Ta Richard Manx Regional Organiser (elect)
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