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Everything posted by heazille

  1. Some more users on the IoM site would be a start. where have you all gone, because for certain the Scoobies are still there! Cheers Richard (EX R/O IoM) Chiang Mai Thailand
  2. Hi Mark, Where abouts in Devon? My stamping ground originally before my Manx days. Hillclimbing at Oddicombe in my 1430GT Mini, Tells you how long ago!! Cheers Richard
  3. Enjoy yer new toy, Look forward to the pictures when you get them up Heres one i used to have
  4. Welcome to the forum and the wonderfull mix of Impreza & Isle of Man roads. As Arnie says, I Will be back (one day) Richard Chiang Mai
  5. Hi Mark, Youve lost me there fella! But again, that ain't hard. You still enjoying your motor and the Wonderful Manx roads? Cheers Richard Chiang Mai
  6. I Guess not then!
  7. What a start to Christmas Eve for you lot on The Rock :frosty: Hope your looking after this Beasty Gulio! Hopefully see you guys for the TT :kerstsmiley: Cheers Richard :madnoel:
  8. Things have changed on the rock a bit I guess, There always used to be a good few waving all over the place. and don't worry about being in the works van cos the regulars will soon get to know it is you. Cheers Richard Pattaya
  9. Hi Steve, Welcome to the best club there is. Owning a scooby, have had 7 myself and really, really miss the Manx roads in my last one (Hawkeye,jap import) first one registered in europe as well!! In fact it's taken me a while to figure out how to edit my in car video from the 07 TT but have figured it out now! 150 Mph on the TT Mountain Course is uploading to youtube as I write. Will get another one one day out here, but current list price for an Sti here in Chiang Mai (and yes we have a dealer here) is 4 million baht ie 75,000 pounds! Enjoy your car BUT PLEASE not for the next week, wait till the roads are clearer as you really will have to learn how they drive as is your first one. Have Fun Ta Ta Richard Chiang Mai (ex ro IOM) Visit My Website
  10. Hi Guys n Gals, You lot all stuck in "Colours"? Seems very quiet on The Rock. Anyway, here's what you need for when the Mountains snowed over next time "The Mountain Snowmobile" Ta Ta Richard & Joy Gmt +7
  11. Hi Dave, Did you see a mate of mine , Dave Llewellyn in his Big Volvo 6 wheel drive thingy? Also, small world or what!! Met a friend of Peters on friday, (Martin) used to live up summerhill on the corner with the Green Wagon. Now living in the land of smiles Ta Ta Richard Chiang Mai (New scooby sti now available here as well, a snip at 4 Million Baht!!!! 56 to the pound at present!!!!!)
  12. Congratulations to the pair of you, Now the work starts!! And don't worry, I was 6 weeks early back in 58, so nowadays it's no worries. Ta Ta Richard Chiang Mai
  13. Birthday boy eh John!! Have had a couple of beers already for you ok!! Went out twatch the WRC coverage only to find they replaced it with a repeat of the Scot/ire rugby match. Hope you have a good one ta ta Richard & Joy
  14. Hi John, 21 Baht per litre for 91 Ron But it does the wild beast I am riding now, 1 step up from the standard chicken chaser,mines a Yamaha 120cc 2 stroke, goes well enough though. BUT, Shell have just brought in V.Power at 39 Baht per litre! only one problem unlike in France where its 100 Ron here V-P is 95 Ron TA TA Richard & Joy
  15. I'M HEARING YA DUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 11,000 MILES AWAY!! Its 23:15 and 20+ degrees still!! Realy REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY wish I still had a scoob out here because some of the roads are awsome!! TA TA Richard & Joy Chiang Mai
  16. Hi Ya, I can't find the post, but if you post the same request in the general sidc area under off topics, you will get your answer, probably within minutes And ,sorry, I can not remember how i did mine!!!! Ta Ta Richard (ex Stage Commander, Cringle stage, Rally IOM ) Chiang Mai
  17. heazille


    Welcome to Manx sidc Perfeck place for your first Scooby. BUT! Learn how she works carefully Ta Ta Richard Chiang Mai PS. MERRY XMAS to all you guys an gals back on the Rock
  18. Morning Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes How are you all Ta Ta Richard
  19. Looking good now Dave Glad its all back together and working ok Ta Ta Richard
  20. Tis indeed very quiet on here nowadays But am fine out in the East and keeping an eye on things back there!! Have found several Scoobies here now as well Ta Ta Richard Chiang Mai
  21. Hi Dave, Glad it,s all coming back together again Ta Ta Richard (orf out to get Very Very Mao-lao now for tomorrow!!(50 ) as teaching @ 8.00 am tuesday and can not have hangover)
  22. heazille

    Hi All

    Hi Dave, Had an Outback 3.0rn myself for a while Did the RB Relay in it with DaveK 3000 miles in 4 days!! was an awesome event though Ta Ta Richard
  23. Hi Jon, Fine mate, hard work but it's going ok Real steep learning curve though!!(for me that is!) Ta Ta Richard
  24. Dudes!!!!!!! Quiet on here or wot!!!!!! No post's on IoM section for 10 days!!! Ta ta Richard
  25. Dudddddddddddddddddddddddessssssssssssssssssssssss How you all doing?? Been awhile i know, but only just got the internet going over here Only been 6 months,but this old geezer has finally got a job!! Found somewhere it doesn't matter that your nearly 50 and looking for work Now Teaching English to Johny Foreigner in the far east I trust your all making good use of the mountain being one way again for 2 weeks I'm still watching my in car from last year!! Catch you later, way past my bedtime here Ta Ta Richard
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