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Everything posted by heazille

  1. What a fab day up there today Took a managerial decision to fox trot oscar at about 2pm Then had some fun, perfect conditions ,very little traffic and just a little speed[] Few sheep around Brandywell and thats about it, Gonna spend tomorrow sorting out the in car camera kit Ta Ta Richard
  2. Usual Customer Service from Barry Curran Motors then!! Would have to say, any one thinking of a new Scooby would be better of with Holdsworth @ Wigan Boat trip i know but at least they know how to look after customers!! Ta Ta Richard
  3. Yes, on the way to motorway in lancaster aprrox 5 or 6 miles from ferry Ta Ta Richard
  4. Morning Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes Another fine morning on the rock Ta Ta Richard
  5. Afternoon Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes, you wanna get yerself on petplan Graham Not cheap but covers 98% of bills for a fixed fee, the dogs are £23 a month, not sure what a cat cost is though Ta Ta Richard
  6. Not me this time
  7. Think it is by the reg no[] And the 'R' plate!!!!![] Ta Ta Richard
  8. Brandywell Cottage at 1pm sounds like a plan Subject to the weather of course!! Ta Ta Richard
  9. I was thinking the same thing Dave [^o)]. Could even consider meeting up for an hour or 2 for the rally on Saturday(weather permitting, people not working permitting etc). How does anyone else feel about it?. Probably a good shout guys[^o)] Let me know what stage yer reckoning on? Ta Ta Richard
  10. Have a good one Helen And a few sherberts no doubt[] Ta Ta Richard
  11. Rough again ain't it Ta Ta Richard
  12. Richard Margy (Back allowing,Crufts cancelled for her[]) Graham Helen James Dave M (CupraDave) Dave M's Dad Brian John Donna
  13. Would not wanna be Tiddz going back on the boat tonight!! Although tommorow night is supposed to be worse! Ta Ta Richard
  14. Porsche Centre Chester! i believe is the correct title[] i woudn't want to be confused with Mr Kermode's 'Empire' thanks[] Where ya going then? the stages details are in the local rags this week Ta Ta Richard
  15. Richard Dave Graham Helen James
  16. OK, I will sort out the 'e' mails this affy Best start a list so we know how many Graham needs to reserve for. Richard Dave K Ha, darned computers, will try 'e' mails again tommorrow, Spent an hour putting all the Manx SIDC 'e' mails in one user group hoping that i could then just send to that user group An it dont work!!! Ta Ta Richard
  17. OK, I will sort out the 'e' mails this affy Best start a list so we know how many Graham needs to reserve for. Richard Dave K
  18. Think Paparazzzzzzzzzzi[]
  19. Dog Club Dinner at the Hilton tommorrow[:S] Can't wait and i have been designated Flasher for the night!![^o)] Ta Ta Richard
  20. best try the 11th March!!!!! 18th is Mothers Day Ta Ta Richard
  21. That would be good, any chance Richard ?? No Worries, Graham would you sound out the Highwayman again? Food was good there last time and theres lots of ways of getting there!![] 11am meet @ the Grandstand? Ta Ta Richard
  22. Afternoon Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes Defo not one for the Mountain today[] Ta Ta Richard
  23. Evening all Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudessss We is back!! Apart from the Snow at Gatwick (sat on plane from 6:40am till 8:30 before we even took off!!) mind you Margy & Tracey where having a snow ball fight at 5am in the morning Awsome weekend though, Proper greek wedding, started drinking about half 11 am on friday and finished roughly about 3.30am saturday and this was only a quite wedding with 700 people!! Going back to bed now with me Man Flu!! Ta Ta Richard
  24. see you guys next week[] Orf to a friends wedding in Crete[] So lots of[^] &[G] &[ap] And i dare say lots of[D][<)] as it's a traditional Greek wedding and an allnighter!!!![] Ta Ta Richard
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