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Everything posted by heazille

  1. Have now also confirmed Karting for 2pm, I have 2 hours booked, but will/can reduce this to one hour if we do not have enough people Let me know please. I am also signing on on tuesday night so any one else wanting to marshal please ring me before then Ta Ta Richard
  2. Any more for Marshaling friday/saturday? I have the full route with stage times now if anyone wants them Saturday night, Prize presentation, it is supposed to be a new format this year so could be good Plus i reckon on a meal wednesday as usual and have got laser blasting arranged for 2pm monday Sunday meet at grandstand then potter off to the karting (take pot luck with the arrive an drive as i dont have numbers booked) Ta Ta Richard
  3. Afternoon Dudessssssssssssssssssssssssss Might even try to get up there meself on saturday if i can get away from work!!! Ta Ta Richard
  4. common sense prevails[] Scooby stays gone though[] Ta Ta Richard
  5. Hi Graham, I have a dozen or so plus any extra from over here, so will play it be ear. Can either go out for meal or try the free bbq on wednesday and have a meal Sunday night , decide on the day weather permitting i reckon Thursday, Scrutineering and Glue Pot Friday, Marshalling Saturday, Marshalling and the Prize presentation, which this year has a new format, but no other details yet Sunday, Meet at the Grandstand for a trip out somewhere, nothing booked but Karting is arrive and drive Laser shoot Monday afternoon may be possible if enough want to do it? Let me know Ta Ta Richard
  6. Morning Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes Summer is over then!!!! Ta Ta Richard
  7. Hi Guys & Gals It's that time of year again!! Despite no MSF, i do again have a few regular Marshal's coming across for the rally. Does anyone else want to help me out with marshalling (But NOT Thursday night!! as in The Glue Pot) I will sort out the details and keep everyone together as normal, experience not needed as i will put new marshals with some of the more regular ones Please add your name to the list with the day/days you can help Richard, Margaret & Ben Prouse Simon Fidoe Graham Lazenby Martin, Wendy, Trevor & Siobahn Disney Roger Nunn & Suzie Jaggs Steve, Tom & Rhian Major James Aldridge Ta Ta Richard
  8. Very Nice Graham[] All sad now!![] Cos mine is gone Ta Ta Richard
  9. Wheres the piccies then!!!!! Ta Ta Richard
  10. Sounds like a plan nicky, I am however a little busy this fortnight so will not be able to arrange anything Ta Ta Richard ps,my new car's here on the rock[]
  11. It's TT time again of course!! Ta Ta Richard Evening Dudes Don't I know it no doubt I will be busy again.[] Fingers crossed you aint toooooooooo busy!![] But i have just seen air med leaving yours an it's only first practice[] Ta Ta Richard
  12. It's TT time again of course!! Ta Ta Richard
  13. Check out the Straightliners web site as they where running it last year. http://www.straightliners.co.uk/print_list.htm They even had a local versus visitors league with handicaps and the isle of man won!![] With a Saxo[:$] Was good though, iirc it was £30 for as many runs as you liked on saturday with knockout comp on the sunday Ta Ta Richard
  14. But to who!!!! Ta Ta Richard
  15. mORNING dUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDES Long day today!! & night i guess[] But then tommorrow we open up in 'The New Shop' Hoorah Ta Ta Richard
  16. My MY06 JDM STi although mapped for optimax, ran fine on Total Excelium plus bottle of millers Octane Plus per tank full I also keep to stronger octane boosters here at the garage as well(CVL & CVL Turbo). Or Shell super is available over here (not my site) and then add the above Ta Ta Richard
  17. Pop up the garage and see us if you have time, Along the promenade to the end then up Summerhill to roundabout, were the garage in front of you then Ta Ta Richard & Margaret
  18. Slowly!!, then it should be fine as they do have a rope mat for when tide is out and they will watch you on and off. And we have had at least 3 or 4 WR1s over as well as having a local one The ramp on/off at Liverpool can be tight for lip spoiler but my 05 was ok, the only problem could be when you get back to liverpool if there is a swell as then the ramp of the boat goes up an down a bit, you just have to pick yer moment then!. Ta Ta Richard
  19. The Scooby has now gone and is unlikely that i will be getting another one as my new motor is costing me an arm & both legs!! Besides, i do unfortunatley need Tiptronic etc etc now. With that in mind and the failure of The ScoobyFest, I feel now is time to Relinquish my role as IOM R/O There are more scoobys here on the rock now than ever before and maybe it's time for a 'Fresh' look I Also have another project in the pipeline[:-*] that will require a 'HUGE' amount of organising & with the extension at work i just dont have the time anymore. Any Volunteers, you know where to find me[] Thanks Richard
  20. Morning Dudeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss Make the most of it, cos its gonna rain tonight[:^)] Ta Ta Richard
  21. She might be, PM her Ta Ta Richard
  22. Margy says, who was that with ya sunday afternoon!! And as for the rally, which T*at opened the roads before the 'Roads Open' car had passed and sent her head on w/d Towards it!!!!! Ta Ta Richard
  23. Margy wants to put it on the Outback[] Ta Ta Richard
  24. Dave & I are Orf tommorow, See you all next week AND, we have raised £507.00 here on the Rock for the cause as well[] So a big thanks to all that came in and sponsered me at the garage Ta Ta Richard
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