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Everything posted by heazille

  1. 43mn!!!!!! Just seen 42wmn any idea's?
  2. See ya then ta ta Richard Scooby Island ps, is that Aircrest i see has surfaced again
  3. Of course you can Billy, just send me an 'e' mail with your address on and i will send you a booking form AND that goes for anyone else interested Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  4. I'll be there Everyone else is shy!!!!!! Dont look BUT, 13 have said defo coming over and 8 have paid deposit. Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  5. Yes, I have done a track day at Jurby. This was a couple of years ago in my old Type R (XMN555) to be honest i would not do it again as realy Jurby is restricted by it's size. At that time there was no actual training either, just one follow round lap then do what you like. at present this is all we have here on the rock. Personally, i think a trip across to Oulton Park or up to Knockhill would be a better proposition. Ta Ta Richard
  6. Wots this, off topic Again DUDE
  7. Yep, sure did Cant condone getting Drunk AND Driving can we, Most certainly not. 3 x D/D went to albert road this week i see and one got a 9 year ban!!!!!
  8. Dave, You got any further ref Manx Scooby Fest as discussed at the chinese? Cheers Ta Ta Richard
  9. Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine AND its outside my door
  10. Ere Wopp, See there is a UK300 down south for sale, Gotta b better than wot ur tinkering wiv!! Ta Ta Richard
  11. mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
  12. Off Topic Guys!!!!
  13. Ere Neil, You wern't up Douglas head playing with your pop gun at 1 am or so on saturday? The guys from Manx petroleums were off loading a tanker and heard Someone
  14. u not out polishing Neil
  15. Hi Jon, Welcome to the forum. Do i have your 'e' mail address, if not please send it to me at prouse@manx.net I will then add u to my list with whats going on here on Scooby Island or pop in and see me at Corkills Forecourt Ta Ta Richard Regional Organiser Scooby Island
  16. I'm Richard!! White (ish) STi 8 NMN555 Ta Ta Regional Organiser
  17. Bronze 350. that was probably Peter Duke having a close look, especialy as his 22b is nearly always parked at south coast
  18. There are quite a few hiding down south! Have to have words with our southern representatives
  19. man 1555 was on the same boat as paul and i last week, Tried to speak to the couple but they were not that interested, but then i was in molly!!!
  20. Jon Drunk Never
  21. Paul, I touch goats Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  22. Dont 3 days go quick when your having fun! Safely away on the boat this evening Never mind, soon be July Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  23. Hmmm, NO Only joking Andy Without revealing too much! Saturday is not to busy with SIDC stuff as it's still a Rally day Ta Ta Richard Scooby Island
  24. Just in case you have not got the details Steve. easy to spot, just look for the 'Boots' prouse@manx.net 482856 or anytime at Corkills Forecourt ta ta Richard R/O Scooby Island
  25. 7.30 ish Steve You bringing anyone? Ta Ta Richard
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