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Everything posted by dougster

  1. I might also be able to get them discounted. Can you wait until Monday?
  2. He's away to his bed. It is aftermarket spoiler extentions. Pity he can't get them for his other little problem.
  3. Seevers, I got a price of £303.
  4. There should be some KH regulars there. i.e. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  5. Jambo!! HELLO GALLOWAY the nicht!!! Dougster; Glasgow via IOM, Portpatrick, Glen Luce, Dunragit, Castle Kennedy, Stranraer then Weegie Land!!!
  6. 1) Lido shuffle- boz scaggs 2) I love my my honda!!! 3) Bachs Prelude by Yo Yo Ma for when im not in a hurry 4) Steppenwolf-Born To Be Wild 5) Dougster's Ayrshire Meet Theme 5) ANY Queen song , Foos - Everlong .. Relaxed mode - Vivaldi : Winter or Summer 6) SNet lament!!
  7. 1) Lido shuffle- boz scaggs 2) I love my my honda!!! 3) Bachs Prelude by Yo Yo Ma for when im not in a hurry 4) Dougster's Ayrshire Meet Theme
  8. 1) Lido shuffle- boz scaggs 2) I love my my honda!!!
  9. S 112 UKT??? Trade plates need to be on the exact front and rear of an un-registered car.
  10. Coulty might go if he can get home from Dundee and I don't know if drb5(RA) has got the car ready yet. I honestly can't think of anyone else nearer!!!! West Dumbartonshire..................the home of the scoobless!!
  11. Is there absoulutely NO-ONE in my area going? I am not bloody cycling to another meet!!!
  12. My old ones are mouldy but so is my wallet!! Get me on msn to see how low I can get you to go!!
  13. Any chance of posting dates and venues please guys? Always good to watch.
  14. Aye, once every lap!!! At least I only spin on the warm up laps!!
  15. Where are these event's held Ian? You know Spooks and I enjoyed the the JC last year but some might be a little far for people to travel.
  16. For those who like diesels, anyone fancy hiring a camper van for the trip? Probably be faster than John around the 'ring who will be visiting the verges as per usual!!!
  17. Anyone going via Old Kilpatrick? Looks like another month off road. I can bring all my parts with me though!!!!!!
  18. May issue 067 tests WR 1 againnst other scoobs while June issue 068 tests the modified cars. Anything else while I'm at it folks?
  19. W32.Bropia is a worm that spreads via Microsoft's MSN Messenger instant message program and drops a variant of W32.Spybot.Worm. You need to update your definitions and make sure you aint got this little beggar!!!
  20. Everyone got rid yet? I got it sent 4 times at once!!
  21. Well apparently I sent it to Urbanwhitetrash (Bruce) who is a Canadian SNetter(plus a few others) Looks like a Windows Program Information File (Microsoft) .pif file, and being sent as hahaha, webcam, naked drunk........etc via MSN messenger My Zone Alarm Pro stopped it but McAfee didn't spot anything.
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