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Everything posted by Grovit

  1. Jambo - Pm Grant (aka The Squirrel) - I'm sure he'll sort something out with you
  2. << goodyears i am on my second set now, good all round tyre, and they should be cheaper than the pirelli >> Yep - would second this - I've got Goodyear F1's - Nice solid predictable grip in the dry, and pretty awesome traction in the wet.
  3. Hi there matey
  4. Yep - excellent day - weather was thoroughly chilling, but the rain held off and at times it was sunny - some seriously noce machinery out on track today. Nice to see the usual suspects but also to meet a few new people as well. Kartman - those 6 pots look the business - Big Gav tells me they work rather well as well. Dougster - was good to say hello finally. Johnny (R6) - those white alloys are still looking sweet. The owner of the black type R (apologies forgotten your name already - doh) -was nice to meet you and as said before - sounded awesome going up the pit straight. All in - another cracking day
  5. Hi there
  6. I'll be up at some point as well - once I get my trackday wheels refurbed and fitted - I'll finally get on track so I can pop my trackday cherry
  7. Looking forward to this - roll on the meet
  8. I'd well like to make this one but can't unfortunately. Raceland's excllent as well, so I'm sure it would be a good event. Sorry folks - have fun !!
  9. Nice one there bud - looking good
  10. definately leave 'em on !!
  11. I'm not sure I can make this one but I'm going to try as I keep missing out on these Glasgow gatherings. Dougster - what type of meet is it - is it a get together, bite to eat a few jars then banter for the evening type of affair - ie - it's not a run type thing....?
  12. Hi there Andy
  13. Yep - should be a good one - am looking forward to it. Will have the car auto glym'd up for the day !!
  14. As long as the dates suit, or at least if there is plenty of notice - I'll be along to jolly things up !
  15. << Grovit are you the navigator ma man! ps need a pointer man lol >> LOLUP - not on this one Swiggi mate - I get to follow the others - still, will probably need you close by in case I take a wrong turn !!
  16. Grant - any hints as to what route we'll be doing....
  17. Cheers for the offer Johnny - Cal's punted it up before for me though.
  18. Man - there are some nice cars in this thread. erm - is there anyone I can e-mail my picture to so they can post it up for me..... .....pretty please
  19. That sucks Grant - really sorry to hear that happened especially after a good run. Poxy git in the Peugeot just legging it - hanging's too good for some people
  20. LOL - that picture shows me in an unfavourable light - I could see the road was clear from way back so knew it was ok.!! Cheers to the Sooby boys for not making my dubious navigational skills any more dubious than neccessary ! Anyway, good roads, fantastic weather, banter, food, good pace and excellent cars - 'tis what it's all about
  21. Place called re-coat based in Glasgow (just behind Hyndland Honda) - very reasonable prices and most excellent finish - just had my RL7's done there - severly pleased with how they came out. tel: 0141 958 1777 Chris
  22. << With the numbers now going I'm going to have to pick groups before we go. Do you Scoobs want to be put together or mixed up with everyone else?? Let me know asap! Cheers Andy >> Group 1 please Andy.
  23. Dougster - cash is king. Take the job, see how it goes and then review your options. Personally, I'd shovel s***e if i had to, to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. I'm not saying that's what I'd want to do - but if it came to that.............. Good luck mate.
  24. Hmmmm, arrrrggggghhhhhh (Homer Drool) !!! - Looks nice Johnny
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