I would check what your CEL has come on for, you can do this by connecting a pair of wires under the dash on the drivers side, when you look under the dash directly under the steering column you should see a set of 2 pin green connectors and a set of 1 pin black connectors, if you connect the black connectors together and turn the ignition on (dash lights on engine off) the check engine light will flash, a steady even flash means no faults, but as you have a fault (or more) you should get flashed a code a slow flash = x10 and a fast flash = x1 so 2 slow and 6 fast = 26 and so on, if more than one code is present a small pause will seperate codes, have a pen and paper hand and watch the sequence a few times until you are happy you have all the codes, when you have finnished simply turn off the ignition and disconnect the black connectors, then let us know what you find.
Cheers Iain