Hi guys, if it helps, EACC and the West Association in conjunction with the MSA are holding a training day at Kames, tentative date is May 22nd. Here you will be taught to use rally clocks to time stage start/stop and all sorts of other safety related issues. This will give you the tick in the book required to obtain a Marshals license. If you marshal at three rallies and attend this course then you get a grade 3 license. Can anyone think of a better way to be 'invited' to rally GB with no spectator entry fee ?
Also for anyone interested, Ian, Corsa, EACC and Coltness are running a series of 4 Rally Time trials (Gravel sprints) at Kames Starting April 3rd. Very cheap value for money fun, limited to 2WD. Regs available soon. Anyone with a Rally car in the garage, no money to do a stage rally, roll up. Entry (yet to be finalised) well less than three figures. No co-driver necessary, double entered cars encouraged, time for the Navs to show the drivers they are the Daddies !!!
Get in touch, my number is on www.eastayrshirecc.co.uk