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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. even i can manage it as long as you can get under the car and the new backbox is still a bolt fitting as opposed to slip joints. my old mongoose system sounded great but because it was a slip joint system you had to change the whole exhaust come mot time, no just slipping in a cat
  2. cant be wrc homologation, as theres no wrc programme doesnt bother me, im the worlds biggest sceptic on internet 'advice' i only go on what ive found through experience - after all i ran 2 classics for 5 years with full decats and no remap with no probs, same with thrashing an engine from new making it need oil - nope,not true, running imprezas flat out for prolonged time kills them also not true - an hour at 130+ proved that lol but back in 2008 i remember being at awd when they had 3 hawkeye sti's in with engine failures, 1 modded but 2 standard personally the 2.0 suits my driving style as it revs harder and as far as i know the internals are actually stronger on them - 2.0 have uprated pistons and bearings which 2.5's dont but as you say they can still be tweaked to a fair old level and be reliable - theres far worse engines out there and im sure evo's laugh at our 2.0l efforts
  3. nice one Bobby, il have to go part with some cash for a copy now - is it a full page spread? they could fit in a life size shot of our hero if it is
  4. sorry, you know me - easily excited! and Lornas working long hours these days....
  5. whats that? someones offering aggresive nutjobs?? how but seriously, how much?
  6. il be at a good few of those either spectating or helping if im needed its a good cause and great gear - which reminds me, need to get myorder in for the purple shoes no i know my freakishly small feet size!
  7. think Dels got the right idea, i got my 3rd one of ebay for £50 -fibreglass unfinished and cost me a tenner to get it sprayed gloss black, lasted the b####y longest of any of them!
  8. the way the market is at the moment youl get heehaw for the scoob, so its all down to running it - get yourself a diesel clio van, 60mpg and fun handling, nippy enough as standard and you can chip it to 95hp
  9. as if we didnt have enough to worry about without having to steer clear of the post office on thursday!
  10. looks good, newages really need the splitter i reckon CJE im sure you wont lose the splitter on the fling - the next car along will catch it
  11. very very good points mr hairy - i think youve summed things up nicely and fairly i agree Gus, everyones made their points and its now just tail chasing without anything to gain so as a relatively independant party with sympathies on both sides can i suggest this thread is locked and we all move onwards and upwards
  12. im really fed up of all this, why dont we just all pull our 20 quid out of the club let it go down the pan - if theres no where to sell our stuff, no meets to go to, no runs, no track days then theres nothing for anyone to complain about all i want is to have banter, get some advice and enjoy driving the car with other fruitbats and if all thats getting too blinking hard whats the point
  13. im basing it on actual experience of people i know, not hearsay having spoken with someone formerly of this parish who bought a hawk sti from subaru at a year old and had a catastrophic engine failure id be wary! but i think most of the problems are either badly maintained examples or modded too much - there isnt any 2.5's running over 400hp on standard internals i know of and if 2.5's are so good why dont jdm's have them huh?
  14. yea, the tarring and feathering of non members isnt compulsory yet - we just do it for fun
  15. yea like Davey says, raise a ticket here http://www.sidc.co.uk/helpdesk/ - weve all had the same trouble seems to be a glitch
  16. not good news Alastair, but as Craig said at least its not on the metalwork - having scratched bumpers on the side of the garage before it can be done innocently and stupidly enough that it shouldnt be cause for concern! as Phil said, having it from new is the oonly way to be 99% certain which is why my blob will never leave me
  17. totally agree with you Jimser, just looks daft a handful of threads and not how id have handled things but these things happen - and if its convinced you to keep your motor its not all bad! if we delete the events section will that convince you to come for a run with it too
  18. well for me there isnt anywhere else to go - theres no other subaru club in central/tayside that organises meets and runs, if all i wanted to do was be on a forum then id save a fortune in road tax and insurance a year but like most of you guys (especially you Neil with the lead foot) i like to drive the car enthusiatically with other like minded members and if the club goes under where else offers that chance? not scoobynet, not .net to the extent we do, not 22b.com - they all have their place but they dont offer the face to face interaction and actual driving sidc does and if members and non members both have full access to all areas that matter who'l pay £20 a year or even a fiver? there needs to be incentives to join up, thats just the sad fact of society today Cathy you working tomorrow? or is that diet coke dependant hehe and i look nothing like Gaddafi, your oil is safe with me infidel......
  19. the admin may not like me saying it out loud but its becoming a big issue and you guys need to know - we're all big boys now if your struggling i can lend you a set of standard gold ones - theyre no use to me once i get the new brakes on and il make it painless for you to part with your £20 - just paypal me at dave222..... promise il make sure the club gets it.....
  20. ok knowing this has been brewing for a while and knowing something of what goes on behind the scenes its pretty simple - whatevers gone on before rightly or wrongly, the club is hugely in debt and if there isnt a massive increase in memberships then there will be no club within a couple of months so its pretty much up to us guys out there, pitch in or watch it die. all committee members,ro's and even the chairman pay full membership. do i agree with all the changes being made? nope but at least changes are being made to try and improve things - they wont always be right but thats life RO's like me and mods like Del put a lot of effort into these forums and we dont get a thing out of it - we have no more say in the running of the club than any other member, we dont get any rewards and not often thanks, we just do it because we love the marque, the banter and the people we meet so lets all chill, have a beer and go for a drive in the morning - who's with me?
  21. welcome back! been a while since you were on here, nice to have some old faces back
  22. as Paul said - i think a custom exhaust maker should be able to make a bung to suit you though depending on what sort of exhaust youve got swapping to a resonated centre section might do the trick
  23. hiya mate, welcome to the mad house! nice pair of motors! just an exhaust eh, thats how it starts..... cheers Dave
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