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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Looks like you all had a brilliant weekend . (despite some of the down pours). Hopefully I'll make the next one and some other events once the move tae Fawkirk is oot the way
  2. Yip original engine routine servicing was all that was required!
  3. Nope! My first Forester had 186k on the clock when it was 4 years old Never missed a beat with regular servicing (and the oil seal mentioned previously)
  4. If you are doing the timing belt I'd do the flywheel oilseal at the same time. costs pennies but i've had two go on 130k+ mile subaru's. Gus
  5. I would highly recommend Williams Powdercoating in Fawkirk. Top job!
  6. Liar, its your daily runner
  7. Glad to see its staying in the family! welcome!
  8. No as fast as some Have a gid yin Fraser
  9. Excellent work Jimser Classics rule .....now leave the ******* thing alone and it
  10. OK it looks sh*t then John Nah.....I'm liking the originality of it ......minus the bit you are already planning on removing
  11. about the wheels. The car is deffo growing on me
  12. Packing boxes for the move bud oh aye and my computer at home is sick too
  13. Sounds like a plan to me Paul Need to check my flight dates but fingers crossed it will be after that date.
  14. Fantastic Andy Not on here much the now but hope you are enjoying the purchase
  15. Speak to Ian (Blue Dragon) he will se you right!
  16. Welcome! Very nice choice of car
  17. Just get it bought Stevie alothugh i like the look of the new Veee Dubya I'm sure a couple of folk on here got their cars from motorpoint. Did St3ph3n not? Gus
  18. Wee pr*cks! hope their next shecht is a hedgehog
  19. will beat any of the tinternet prices too. Tell Craig (Crosbie) Gus sent you
  20. I thought it was the big carpark between Seaton Sands and Gullane ( not sure what its called!!?) .............but I'm probably wrong too
  21. Welcome tae the mad hoose Very cleanlooking car you have enjoy!!!!
  22. This has just reminded me I have a £200 voucher I won at the McRae Gathering to use with these guys Think I'll get the timing belt on the Fozzy done
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