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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Not an Sti but a 1993 Version 1 RA. .......and there is no way i'd get rid of it
  2. People who drive people carrriers with"baby or Children onboard" stickers that either pass you at 120 mph (in snow) or sit up your @rse with the sprogs bouncing about inside.
  3. Davie, You didnt have our very own crash magnet Col666 in the car with you by any chance!!!?
  4. Nope, same same. Newage V Classic are different lengths (due to cat pipe) but classic regardless of Import or UK are the same length/dimensions if a standard system is fitted.
  5. Deffo the same! no difference between the two. Unless he has hacksawed the pipe As Euan R says the only difference could be the diameter (ie is it 3") even with that you can still make it fit. Gus
  6. Those indeed were the days. It was the Forest Drive one BUT the "5 car" convoy was a great day too. oh how we laughed
  7. Thats a contradiction in terms! Anyhoo, thanks for all your efforts over the years Paul I remember the first event I ever attended back in 19 Oatcakes was the Central run to Aberfoyle, the Dukes Pass and Callander. Great day out .....and made very welcome by you dont become a stranger Paul and all the very best with your company
  8. Dont become a stranger Neil, Scooby or nae scooby yer aye welcome on here Enjoy life with the Volvo
  9. I cant actually believe what I've read here and totally gutted for you Mark. a "mate" did this!!!! I'd be kicking the seven shades of sh*te out of him for being such a senseless pr*ck He would be paying out big time for the havoc he has caused
  10. Mind n get as wee video clip of Tam going thru the Clyde tunnel
  11. As others have said they look great.....and a wee lowering will perfect it
  12. Oot the morra night already I'm afraid otherwise I would be up for it! Maybe next month!!? Gus
  13. Always a pleasure Faither Some cracking pictures too folks. I was going to post mine up too but they seem to have been covered by other folk so I'll no bother Roll on next year
  14. Not a problem Frank, great to catch up bud and have a natter with Forbes too. Same again next year has already been agreed ......................oh aye, and the first job I did when I got home last night was to remove the stickers from the spoiler.I'm sure they must have been costing me a few BHP lol. Looks MUCH better
  15. We have a few through the year Scott at various venues. So keep a look out in the evvents section, hopefully you can show off your handy work at one of them.
  16. And good to meet you too Bob or was it Willie or Tam or...................................... ah thats right, its Graham
  17. Duly voted Scott! stunning work Good luck
  18. Car looked simply stunning on Saturday! ....and good to meet you Gus
  19. All I can say is a HUGE thanks to everyone for attending over the two days. Great to catch up with old friends and meet and make a few more There certainly were some Magnificent Machines on our stand over the two days Thanks to Cathy for bringing the SIDC tent, flags etc...., thanks to Imy for making up the car spec sheets which added extra interest for visitors to the stand and special thanks to Sammy the Chamois, Tommy T Cut and Paul555sti for their catering abilities My good friend Mary Baxter ( who works at the Museum Of Flight) asked me to pass on her huge appreciation for the effort we put into the weekend. A "credit to our club" Excellent banter all weekend Same again next Year? Cheers Gus
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