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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. I see that Ford are bringing out a Focus RS500 At £35k a much better proposition. (not that I can afford one )
  2. Well thats 2/3 now. RA sailed through its MOT this morning . Hope the insurance in June isnt the killer blow
  3. Wouldnt have thought there would be a problem Neil as the correct mix would give you 100 Ron Gus PS did you get the exhaust on!!?
  4. Been using it in the RA most of the time since i got it in June 2008 with no problems
  5. With my first Forester Turbo I did 186k miles in 4 years up and down the West Coast of Britain The car never missed a beat or let me down at any point during that four years with regular servicing and maintenance(one of the reasons I'm on my 11th Subaru now, honest!!! ) . Looking at the vehicle you would never have known its mileage from the condition it was in My current RA has c112k on the clock and is very reliable Anyhoo, back on topic I would side with Paul555sti in that if you are only doing 6kish miles a year the higher mileage vehicle would soon average out so worth a gander if its got FSH and well looked after etc............
  6. Welcome onboard Knew the plate looked familiar
  7. Got the Road tax, MOT Friday 2nd April and Insurance is due in June so 1/3 of the way there
  8. First thing I did when I got the RA was.......................... To take the pssssssht off. Gus the Bus aged 40+ (but still a big wean really )
  9. Corrie, Would it be possible to re-thread (clean the threads) with a tap and die set rather than replace the sump? get them for under a tenner on ebay so, well worth a shout before you head down the sump replacement route. Gus
  10. Talking from experience of needing extra room in the past I would say Forester or Legacy all the way, legacy strangely actually has slightly more room . Forget all the French and US (GM) muck that others are suggesting ....................and as Grant says Forester Sti would be a cracking move if you can get one
  11. Get aw ma wheels done @ Williams Powdercoating in Falkirk. Industrial Estate behind SDM 24-23 in favour of red now
  12. Same, same, though for wheel colour choice regardless
  13. Shut it! Graphite or gunmetal looks braw with silver black is too much IMHO
  14. Depending on the category of "total loss" it can legally go back on the Rd Jammy bugger richt enough.
  15. 19-18 in favour of the Red folks...........................and I've not voted yet . Still unsure, but might just see this year out with the whites and get them powdercoated red over the winter and if they look rank I'll have plenty time to get them redone before the spring and anybody seeing them . Thanks again
  16. Very tight on the voting btw. 8-7 in favour of red so far
  17. Cheers for these, something along option 1 is a bit different, never thought of the "two tone" deffo wouldnt go for the rim tape though. Reminds me too much of weller wheels (but you'll be too young to remember those )
  18. Maybe I should do the offside wheels red and leave the nearside ones white
  19. Fawkirk Cooncil £'s well spent again I see
  20. You and me both Andy. Someone also mentioned black too but personally I think its been done to death with white classics. Dare to be different? I'm not sure
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