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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Stevie Walker in Bathgate gets my vote. Used him for 20 years now! feck i'm old
  2. Got mine at the weekend too. Superb! Marky, there is a place in Bathgate that do a great job but maybe a bit oot yer way!? Mine is in getting done there just now. Gus
  3. I'll raise you £5 JC £5 - Starting bid £30 - midnight21 £50 - deisel hawns £60 - midnight21 £75 - deisel hawns £100 - ac!d £125 - Gus the Bus £150 - Jcscoob £155 - Gus the Bus Signed Rangers top £5 - Starting bid £70 - jimser
  4. Performance Creation are good enough quality for the price.
  5. £5 - Starting bid £30 - midnight21 £50 - deisel hawns £60 - midnight21 £75 - deisel hawns £100 - ac!d £125 - Gus the Bus Signed Rangers top £5 - Starting bid £70 - jimser
  6. Deffo been the Shell garage at Lizzie Bryce. A few folk from the Football Club have been caught out there too with $AUS appearing on their accounts. but its been from the ATM attached to the building. Did you withdraw £'s from there? Gus
  7. Dunc, my bad, but you dont send the current tax disc the now. They will send you an envelope to return the old tax disc in once they send you the L555 yin.
  8. Tyre pressure...........or if directional tyres make sure they are all fitted correctly and heading the right direction. I once had this problem with Bridgestones and found that the tyre was actually punctured but due to the strength of the tyre wall it was hardly noticeable that it had a flat
  9. L555 BA* something or other? A few still available but going faaaaaaaaaaaaaast
  10. Yip, was just about to post that too! so mind and tell them once you get the L555 tax disc, plates made and on the motta.
  11. got mine in 3 days Dunc. Then send (or take) the V750( remember and fill in the RA details and sign it), your tax disc, MOT and V5C to your local VRO (send special delivery incase the docs go missing!) I'm presuming yours is in Aberdeen? Aberdeen DVLA Local Office Greyfriars House, Gallowgate, Aberdeen, AB10 1WG I sent mine on Monday (to edinburgh) and got the new Tax disc back today
  12. just checked! the first edition is sold out You up for selling it Frank?
  13. I havent Frank but I thought the first lot went bust!!? I'll give it a go but failing that come back to you if you are wlling to part with yours
  14. I really must subscribe to this! but maybe i should wait until after Christmas.......Just incase BTW does anyone have a copy of the very first edition!!? the one that had a few of us from the F&M show in 2007 in it? I never got a copy and would love one if anyone is willing to sell. Gus
  15. Nice workl! got my tax disc etc... today so will have mine all fitted for the weekend
  16. Sadly not this year But going to make as many events as possible next year
  17. John, in an accident and not a particular heavy one the rear belt section fitted there could break your seat back and your own back too Please, please, please dont use it in that position. At very worst bolt them into your rear seatbel mounts (per Cals interior photo) its not perfect BUT is MUCH better than where you currently have them mounted IMHO.
  18. Harness without a cage! Talking from experience here but when I used to compete I was going to put a harness in the car (mini) and was STRONGLY advised it was a very bad idea by an RACMSA Safety Officer as without a cage you have no where to go in the event of a roll and the roof coming in. So, I bought a cage first Personally I'd go for the CG lock idea if you dont have/arent getting a cage. Gus
  19. look fantastic Kiera! Canny wait to get my ltd print, get it framed and fitted in its special place on me wall
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