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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Thieving barstewards hope you find the car and not in bits! I'll keep me eyes peeled! Gus
  2. Standard my A$$. thats lowered. Very nicely tho
  3. the cheek of it absolutely no plans of this going anywhere but hey...........
  4. Yeah, will certainly be looking @ that! As I was saying, just a start (and dry run) so will get bits n pieces added.
  5. Craig its all perfectly straight mate . The pics have been reduced to 20% before "photobucket-ing" and its pixellated the complete side on view image a bit. If you look at the partial side view images then you will see its perfectly straight . Panel was fitted as one and then cut at door breaks so deffo nae sqint or off line. Panick over Thanks for all the comments. Nothing pink on my motta IainC took all that ness off the car the day I got it
  6. Feck me I was waiting on you saying they looked pink son ye disappointed yer old faither
  7. Yeah me thinks so too looks too much like the old "Weller" wheels you use to get in 19 oatcakes! anyone remember them!?...................thought not
  8. Cheers Stu Must admit when white is polished up it looks bloody amazing
  9. Yeah that would be good or I'll just get the pinstrip oot once the wheels are powdercoated and see if it will suit.
  10. me wants!!!!!! Nice one Jon! (yeah the red on the front door needs something)
  11. They are good wee cars mate. Have had plenty hot hatches in my travels and they are fun. Getting it locally!?
  12. Dealers for pins and shims I would have thought but you might not get them on a Saturday. Discs eh Motorsport World in Strathaven or Hypertech maybe. Gus
  13. I've got plenty of Red pinstripe so, I'll maybe hold it up against the wheel before i try it! wont be posting pics tho unless i like it myself
  14. Sad mate! but I'm sure you will have fun in the wee pocket rocket
  15. Cheers Fraser, just a thought sometimes I have too many of them
  16. Folks, If I get them powdercoated white what do you think if getting the red pinstrip thingy on the rims!!? Overkill ? or another wee touch? Gus
  17. Cheers Mike hopefully the wheel protector will do the trick.
  18. Dunc, I had the whites on the 555 and the 300. gave them a good few coats of a wheel protector product (canny mind the name of it but its in the back of the garage ) before fitting them and the dirt didnt really stick to them so i'll be going that route again
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