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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Twas indeed I deffo like the look much better. Even Mrs Bus mentioned it looked much better
  2. Your such a gentleman then I'll keep an eye open for a set for you now
  3. thought you might have noticed them john. They must have escaped your net
  4. Got them for £50 of ebay in the end Greig. nobody was bidding on them so i waited until the last minute and got them In perfect nick too .......and cheers for the comment Paul
  5. After much searching and bidding on ebay I managed to source myself a pair of Sti rear lights at a sensible price. Fitted them today and also replaced the angle exit exhaust with a much nicer looking and sounding Ninja style that I got me old mate Paul to make up. a couple of pics with them on. Next on the agenda are the Whiteline goodies
  6. Some fantastic pics there Marky! Keep em coming
  7. Just spent the last hour or so looking thru the pics and links to pics . Some superb images and memories of quite simply THE BEST Subaru event I have ever and am likely to ever attend . All this week people have mentioned or asked me about the event. Many who dont have an interest in cars let alone subaru's but all have mentioned what a great image it has presented of Subaru owners and such a fitting tribute to the great man himself. Makes you proud to be part of the Subaru community and to be able to participate in such a magnificent event!
  8. Blame Yvonne then Ian ! She was the one that insisted on going shopping
  9. Also love this one from the gathering website.
  10. that is just fantastic. Saw some aerial pics yesterday but they were from an angle that you couldnt really read it! Thats something else tho
  11. Mr Cruise, I would go with graphite colour of graphics think it would look best with the silver car. White doesnt really show up too well. Just my tuppence worth Mr Bus
  12. Just unbelievable Wouldnt have missed it for anything VERY VERY well done folks, hope you can find some time over the next few days to chill out!
  13. Just this minute in the door! All I can say is the whole event was superb from start to finish. A HUGE amount of thanks and gratitude must go to Firstly Grant, Imy and Andy. Simply superb folks Nobody can put in words what a well organised and utterly fantastic job you made of this event. One that made me and thousands of others very proud indeed. Would also like to thank the other scottish scoobies folks Wilky, Nanaki, Dale and everyone else involved with the 2 days on the ground you should all be very proud! Just couldnt believe the number of people on motorway bridges all the way from Lanark to Banbury! simply unbelieviable A very special thanks also go out to GT for allowing me to ride shotgun and not destroy your motta Not going to post my piccies tonight but will add a few tomorrow once i've had a few hours kip! FANTASTIC!
  14. somebody heard it! Think JS was well chuffed we were doing it as was Desy Boy on the Drive Show PS its called XFM noo
  15. Well you better go and get it washed again am no gettin in a mingin motta
  16. Lol just came on line tae make a similar post. Yeah beat me tae it son. See you in the morning. Did anyone hear my wee mention for us on the Radio this morning and this afternoon!!?
  17. Who? Welcome back mate. Just finishing my last prawn sandwich from Saturday
  18. Saw your car when I was in couldnt see where he had repaired until he told me. thats a good sign he's busy painting a few wee bits for me the now. Have used Stevie for 18 years now without fault
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