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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. Cheeky cant but yer probably right Andy actually, depends what you mean by "worse"? Certainly nothing as chaved as that but manufacturer wise then oh yes
  2. Who? never seen you or is it the other way round
  3. which scoob!? nope don't use either as my daily drives if i did my fuel bill would be atleast 5 times what is is per month using the C1 as my main car. but they all get used 3 times a week minimum
  4. Having had my Sister in Laws MX5 over the winter they are a lot of fun . Hence one of the reasons why I bought the MGTF briefly Nice to see you got sorted with what you were after Scott
  5. looking very neat Chris SO, whats the figures!!!!!?
  6. Sounds like your a happy bunny Chris Excellent
  7. Top service from Hypertech yet again!
  8. Richie I went with the 70% on the front two windows and the darker 30% on the rest with the leggy. Looks less "harsh" than no tint IMHO. Gus
  9. Welcome to the mad bad world of Scottish Scoobies
  10. Williams powdercoating in Falkirk if it aint too far away!? 01324 630050 £120-£130 Gus
  11. Marty Morning neebur! Details in the current True Grip but you are right, why could the new impreza no look like this
  12. If £'s is an issue I'd just buy two rear shocks but get alternative manufacturer as IMHO the OE spec ones are just sh*t! The uneven wear on tyres in scoobies is generally caused by geometry settings but could also be affected by the duff shock. get the two shocks done and then get a geometry set-up at Hypertec or Pro-grip Gus
  13. thats sh*te mate! Drunk driver possibly? or just some scumball Gus
  14. Iain, pretty sure they are all the same "two bolt" connection. atleast all the milltek, Blitz, H&S, TSL etc... stuff I have seenin 3" were. Gus
  15. I'll bet you were make sure you get your "personal injuries claim" submitted too Gus
  16. Jeez thats sh*t news mate Hope you are OK? cars can be repaired. Sorry, dont know any repair places in that neck of the woods but I'm sure The Dundee(ish) boys will be along shorlty to help.
  17. Check all the corrections (wires and hoses) first John. If its working "a bit" then it sounds like a connection rather than being gubbed. Gus
  18. Just needs a new sunstrip John :D Nah looks much better with the JW bit on the stripe. Just got Stevie to make me something for the RA for along the bottom of the door. Similar to the one I highlighted to you from ebay. Gonna give it a whirl and see how it looks to Lets see it with the "you've been tangoed" wheels on again
  19. welcome to SIDC mate. enjoy your stay
  20. Wuz, Paul will do the two of them for £270 each delivered (saves about £30 on delivery in total!). Hows that!? Gus
  21. Wuz, I'll speak to Paul tomorrow and get back to you
  22. I could get Paul to make you one! £270 + P&P I believe they are in 3" pipework. Any good? Gus
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