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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. MATT BLACK! MATT BLACK!!!!? Neil yer aff yer ****in heid Do NOT waste a perfectly good car! But if thats what you want then its your car Stevies details are with you you nutter! You'll know what way I voted!
  2. Great pics from 1-3 but pic 4 onwards Nah, seriously, good pics! My old car was looking seriously shiney on sunday Paul
  3. Neil, Stevie Walker in Bathgate. Been using Stevie for the last 21years (feck am old ) Widnae touch anybody else
  4. I can PM you a mobile number if you want? and I THINK his company is SC Car Imports. Gus
  5. What about Newmains? Anybody been that direction?
  6. If its for an Impreza then Stewart Chapman is THE man. Gus
  7. ....and I'm sure they will Billy infact huv they no already!!?
  8. Thats a pretty good trade in price Billy Mm very tempting is it not!!?
  9. John, get some orange graphics oan they flaps n all
  10. Not good Chris! Hope the Mrs and kids OK. .......and a hope the boys in blue are givin the t**t a good seeing too. Before your brothers do!!!!
  11. Looking well sorted now Al Gus
  12. John, How about something like this in orange along the bottom of the doors!!!? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SSSU001-RACING-STRIP...1QQcmdZViewItem Think it might just bring the side together Gus
  13. John, Have to say that when you said in your PM you were painting your Sti wheels orange I thought you had lost the plot But, have to say the orange wheels really suit the other stuff you have done some orange on the side to finish it off! ie orange line between the top of the "J" and the "3" over the top of the "W" and same orange stripe under the Jw340 should do the trick
  14. Speak to Stewart Chapman who will undoubtably get you a cracker direct from the land of the rising sun. PM me if you want his number. Gus
  15. Got mine this morning. Fantastic quality and some weight well done YET again Andy, Grant, Imy etc....
  16. Deffo different John Shake n Bake = sorry!!!! I'll like Neils rising sun theme. Add that and think your onto a winner Orange wheels!!!! jury is out til i see them on the car. Sunstrip news with you shortly
  17. Nae worries mate. Deffo too light for graphite. but very clean looking none the less
  18. Who did them Kit!? Hyper silver/ graphite? Gus
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