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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. honoured that you use me as a guinea pig Andy lol
  2. sigh, James, if you read the context of my post it was in response to billy's "i dont care what you and grant think..." remark, which he had swiftly edited once he posted. where in the world did you get "i dont want the hassle of doing shopping trips" from? i was just highlighting that I too bust my ### getting things done and, the more that I read this thread, the more I question why the h3ll I put so much effort into this club.
  3. sorry to hear that Billy but in our defence, who were the ones that liaised with Yorkhill, made up and distributed donation forms, collected the money, made 3 shopping trips and organised temp storage last year? I dont want to get into a slanging match with you, we've both made our arguments for and against doing Yorkhill. Santa Cruise is personal to all of us and I put so much effort into organising things and being proactive every year. I dont want to get into a bunfight. Lets just set a deadline to agree what we are going to do, and get things moving before we end up doing a shopping trip the night before the Santa Cruise... like we did last year
  4. sorry Billy but I think we should give to Jerviswood this year and none to Yorkhill. We can resume our 'normal' santa cruise next year. Reasons for giving to Jerviswood: - losing Colin and Johnny is an awful tragedy that has ripped apart 3 families and affected approx 95% of the members here, most of whom have families themselves - Colin is most associated with Subaru and it is something that we, as a Subaru family, can do something in return - Jerviswood is made up of 3 childrens charities - these 3 charities have been nominated by the families - money ultimately gets to the children and those that care for them. True it is a different group of kids but these charities do fantastic (voluntary) work to make disadvantaged children feel happier about themselves and are often neglected, as they are in the shadow of the larger, more prominent children's hospitals Reasons (if you can call it that) for not giving to Yorkhill - Yorkhill receives so many donations from other sources (old firm, taxi drivers easter egg run) that the hospital actually passes them out to their wider health centres/satellite centres to make sure they get used - presents dont last as long as you think (kids outgrow them, they break etc) - the haul of presents we gave them last year were bought for the use of the wards (Xbox, PS2, DVD movies) and not for individual patients to take home when they get discharged. That should make their hospital stay more enjoyable. The fact that Gla region have done a christmas present drop at Yorkhill for the past 3 years show that we care for the children in hospital at christmas time, its just that (I feel) the events of the past 4 weeks warrant a bit more support from the club
  5. thanks to Stewarty for giving me a copy of the pics he took. spent a couple of hours last night writing an article for True Grip and it was very difficult to write. here's a wee snippet... When I was told that Colin had died my heart stopped. When I was told that his 5 year old son was in the helicopter and died too, my heart wept. When it became obvious that the other 2 occupants in the helicopter had lost their lives, I was numb. Will submit it to the editors this week, along with the high res pictures i've got. and there's been an update on Colin's website.. Wednesday 3rd October 2007 Acknowledgement Alison, Hollie and the McRae Family would like to thank all of those who have supported them in the aftermath of the tragic accident on the 15th September. Special thanks to the Emergency Services, Henry Dorricott Funeral Services, South Lanarkshire Council and Strathclyde Police, in particular the family liaison officers Fiona and Jackie. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to all who contributed and were involved in organising the Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration on Sunday. The family have been especially appreciative of the comfort and support they have received from Reverends Alison Meikle, Tom Houston, Steven Reid and everyone within the Presbytery of Lanark. The family have been overwhelmed by the incredible number of messages of Condolence which they have received and would like to say a special thank you to those who attended the Service both in St. Nicholas Church and the High Street in Lanark. Colin would have been so touched to think that all his friends and fans had given such support to his family. Throughout this difficult time the Duncan, Porcelli and McRae families have gained strength and support from each other and will continue to do so in the months and years ahead.
  6. Hepy yes you can get a v2 STi Type RA V-Ltd (cos I've got one) and your understanding is correct, they come with longer 5th gear, quick rack steering, short shift gear box, DCCD, 5 injector, roof scoop, light weight panels and only 555 were built. oh, and they have a special shade of blue, different from the other shades of blue I think Playsatan means that you dont get the following stuff on my particular model: - blue interior and dash parts - interior plaque (the plaque showing the build number is on my boot lid). Just to confuse you, the v2 STi RA V-Ltd is very similar to the v2 STi 555 limited edition,clicky for a comparison between my RA and Squiggle's 555
  7. yup, i still like the STi hatchback I prefer small cars anyway and i'm liking the front with the scoop and the flared arches tbh, i'll prob look at getting a Forester when its time to move on from the RA - havent ever owned a 'tall' car before and i liked the height of Gus's one, before he lowered it LoL
  8. any of those will be brill, they are all classics! have a lookie here for info on the RA
  9. good vid. I love the sound of anti lag echoing through the forest
  10. i'm with Greenlight - they were just as competitive as Keith Michaels but they've got a very reasonable track day cover, handy if you're planning to go on track but want the comfort of being insured. Have a look at the Insurance section of Scoobynet, lots of advice there. I know its a pain phoning around for quotes but its worth it to find the best quote for your circumstances/driving history. Some of the big names didnt have Type RA as a registered model of Impreza and you can forget it if you've got a Jap import, they wouldnt touch me with a bargepole
  11. hey Pete, long time no hear. Hope you are well. We went a different way but did stop off at St Marys Loch for some ice cream and to enjoy the tranquility of the scenery, along with some bikers LoL
  12. looking good Gus. and err, wasnt it your 15th wedding anniversary this weekend? wit ye dain workin on the car??
  13. excellent pics marky, they're always great!
  14. its on tonight folks CLICKY here's something to get you in the mood
  15. excellent! hope you make it, sounds fab. but there's no way that's a coincidence Noel
  16. go for it Jon, that would be stunning
  17. thanks to the 14 cars who turned up for the wee run, and I Dale thefastone for making the journey down from Aberdeen hit the jackpot with the weather today, warm and sunny like a summer's day. Roads were great and only had light traffic. Sheep were also great, they stayed stationary this time! almost had an incident with a grouse or two, but nailed a single track hump back bridge and got some air right those that brought their cameras, get those photos up LoL
  18. that's some toy George! you lucky git car looks great, those brakes look yummy
  19. excellent! wasnt expecting that based on the subject title, I was going "oh no, has something broken on his spec D already" while waiting for the thread to load LoL
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