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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. ach Frank, spend the money and get yourself a discrete knocklink. an affordable, sensible and "peace of mind" mod
  2. aww congratulations. all the best to mother and daughter
  3. i like this new feature... except for the shockingly poor smileys
  4. LoL or even better, do what I did and supply the part and the car to 2 trusted subaru fellas/mechanics and get them to fit the fuel pump for you
  5. Peter, prob best to go with the earlier date of 7th Dec, allows more time for present shopping once you've cashed up at the end of the night before the actual date of Santa Cruise.
  6. I had already contacted Yorkhill and Robin House (investigating the idea of a 2-stop drop but nothing has been decided yet) at the start of September about this year's event and commenced initial discussions about parking, presents etc. Would like to suggest that I remain the point of contact with them, for consistency and a "club" approach to the hospital. The vote closes this Thursday. That gives us a week to contact the hospital to agree a date. There may be an issue with dates. Depending on when Peter holds his meal/raffle night, we could be doing some last minute shopping before the event. Obviously the date of the hospital run will need to be after his night. Donation forms/money gathering/present shopping will be tight, but that's nothing new! Had always thought that the next Gla meet would be where we would go over the details, as the outcome of the vote and hopefully the date of the event would be sorted.
  7. that looks great, love the spoiler
  8. i know nowt I can do about it. Ian neofox - I might contact you later but there may be a prob re me collecting from the shop/person that you used. right, folk that paid via PayPal, I've refunded your money via PayPal. folk that paid via cheque, I'll stick a cheque in the post on Monday to the home address you gave me. folk that paid cash or by cheque but didnt give me an address, I have emailed you to ask how best to get the refund to you folk who haven't paid me yet, guess there is nothing I need to do.
  9. Unfortunately the embroidery shop that produces the Scottish Scoobies clothes cannot complete the order I’ve placed and have had to cancel it The girl that does it will be going on maternity leave from today, there is nobody left to run the shop and they will be closing shop for 9 months while she is away. I’m not planning to go to other shops to get this made it, it took a lot of effort to get this off the ground, stitching designs made up, garments selected etc. and I’m not going through that again. To those that have placed orders with me, I’m awfully sorry but I can’t get the clothes made up. I’ll refund your money and will contact you all individually to let you know what I’m doing. Things may resume near the end of next year, I'll keep you posted. Sorry. Imy
  10. sure doesnt look like you've had a happy time. Fingers crossed your docs get there ok. daft question but did you take photocopies before you sent the originals? tho' i reckon Ian "nanaki" can give you a run for your money re cursed impreza coincidentally his is a silver uk classic too...
  11. hmm, hope it wasnt anyone from here
  12. with the speed the list is growing looks like we can easily get 50 names and take up the full restaurant hope the date for this isnt Fri 7th Dec, else it will clash with my work's xmas do (as per last year) loving this line you mad trout
  13. The Type RA club is organising a rolling road day @ The Racing Line & a blast round a forest stage in the WRC Spec C that was at Santa Pod. really fancy the run in the Spec C through a forest ah the irony, two rolling road events on the same day with me not wanting to put the car on the rollers!
  14. looks good. that's the 1st pic I've seen with the sticker on a blue scoob, the saltire "pops" a bit more
  15. Hi Ed, Its a v. good offer you've set up but I dont have a need for online storage space. cheers, and good luck with this. Nice to see a member take the initiative and do something off their own back
  16. date clashes with a scooby thing down in Yorkshire. If that falls through, i'll be happy to pitch up and be tea lady
  17. well... makes a change to be treated like a lady and not target practice for some tantrum throwing and sweary ranting well chuffed I've been selected, I've got the track day prize I won at the Aberdeen casino night to stretch the RA's legs
  18. here's my classic (just wanted to post this pic again lol)
  19. LoL. More like peace of mind in running a jap spec car on UK fuel, to keep the engine happy. i'm no upping my bhp..
  20. would my v2 STi Type RA V-Ltd do? i've not done anything to it apart from decat. she's still got the standard ECU, run on Optimax then V-Power since she's been imported into the country. had a full engine rebuild from previous owner. will PM you the spec for the car.
  21. ah, Gumball's famous "revolving door" may be back in use
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