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Everything posted by SEEVERS

  1. Andy,why not keep an eye out for a half decent Honda that's within your price range....the engines in them are superb. I owned 2 VTi's before i bought my Scoob and they were both quality cars....good mpg and not too bad on insurance either. Del.
  2. Evening all...... Del.
  3. Stephen,i've got a new set of Prodrive centre caps sitting here....you can have them for £15 if you like..? Del.
  4. Yes Andy it is rather special. Del.
  5. No no ...Glasgow city centre....when he scores the penalty against Celtic,that's my mate with the Schott jumper on and the long hair....quality. Del.
  6. Dont know how to do links....just go on to Putfile and type in "Jorg Albertz The Hammer".....i'm sure someone can make it a clicky link thingy.....i had a good night out with the star of the show and a mutual friend a few weeks back.....thoroughly class guy. Del.
  7. Alan it was me bud.......toying with the idea......very tempting when you look through that window in the dealership.....stood back only to see my drool running down the glass...lol. You're car was looking VERY shiny as you cruised past. Del.
  8. Anyone taking a trip up to this...? Del.
  9. Throw us up a pic Del....i cant make it to anything this weekend due to shatty 24hr call out....so i might never see it.....go on son,just for me.... Del.
  10. That looks WEIRD man......... Del.
  11. Doorman i know the guy who does Halleys paintwork but am reluctant to give details as you haven't told us why you ask............ Del.
  12. Sorry everyone,but i can't make it on Sunday as i have to cover a guy in my works 24 hr 7 day call out due to a bereavement in his family.I start at 3.30 on Friday for a week and i must attend these call outs within 1 1/2 hrs so it's not even worth my while tagging along in my van. Absolutely gutted....was lookin forward to this as i haven't seen most folks for a while. Good luck and hope everything goes smoooooooothly on the day. Del.[]
  13. Thanks Imy...you're a wee star. Del.
  14. Cheers. Del.
  15. Can someone please tell me how to get my avatar and signature activated on these forums.... ......my posting boxes look like old mother hubbard's cupboard... Cheers Del.
  16. That's a crackin vid people... Del.
  17. 10 people from the Glasgow area isn't a very good show is it...? Del.
  18. Latest pics of mine.... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v737/SEEVERS/mods003.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v737/SEEVERS/mods004.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v737/SEEVERS/mods014.jpg Del.
  19. 1.CORSA 2. st3ph3n (possibly going as far as Aviemore) 3. mctwistuk 4. Ed-209 5. imy & squirrel (going as far as Perth) 6.Seevers(dunno how far yet) Del.
  20. Hope your brother-in-law is payin half big man...lol. Del.
  21. Cal i panicked for a moment there when you typed "My flaps in action" And what is a "frill" by the way..? He He. Del.
  22. RE :- Jobs......i need a joiner's gimp if you think your up to it...ha ha ha ha ha Del.
  23. Cheers Stephen. Del.
  24. No one??? Del.
  25. Just got my new Road Angel today and was wondering if anyone on here had hard wired theirs and how easy this was to do?? Del.
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