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Everything posted by SEEVERS

  1. It's getting beyond a joke on here when you can't even type S.H.A.T. on your posts now. Ha ha you didn't see that one comin ...mods. Del.
  2. that's complete shat'o'rama... Del.
  3. Simple....if you want to enter this forum...don't do it on a PSP or PDA with their shatty little screens....then you won't have any problems. FFS grow up. Del.
  4. Congratulations....hope all is well with Mother and child Del.
  5. I wondered how long it would take you to post up this pic Cal...lol Del.
  6. Grant....post up some pics of your new mods then!!! [][][][][][] Del.
  7. Right it's workin but i still have no avatar annd no wee PM box at the bottom......damn this new software..... Del.
  8. Good luck Grant it'll be well worth it..... I'll get me Raybans oot for the next time i see you....(cue dazzling Hasslehoff smile) Del.
  9. A woman was very distraught at the fact that she had not had a date or sex in quite some time. She was afraid she might have something wrong with her, so she decided to employ the medical expertise of a sex therapist. Her doctor recommended that she go see Dr Chang, the well-known Chinese sex therapist So she went to see him. Upon entering the examination room, Dr Chang said, " OK, preeze take off All your crose." The woman did as she was told. "Now, get down and craw reery reery fass to odder side of loom." Again, the woman did as she was instructed. Dr Chang then said, "OK, now craw reery reery fass back to me." So she did. Dr Chang slowly shook his head and said, "Your probrem vewy bad. You haf Ed Zachary Disease. Worse case I ever see. Dat why you not haf sex or dates." Confused, the woman asked, "Oh my God, Dr Chang, what is Ed Zachary Disease?" "Disease is when your face rook Ed Zachary rike your arse." Ha Ha Ha Del.
  10. F**k you lot.....the Drum is a quality place. Your mate should deffo visit the Drum with his new lemon curd (housing scheme patter) Del.
  11. Anyone know what kind of dump valve this is.? Cheers Del.
  12. this is my 4th post in a row and they all say 526 posts Del.
  13. why does it say i'm offline even though i'm posting Del.
  14. and the background colour and highlight didn't work Del.
  15. Jury is still very much out......... Del.
  16. Jon...f**k the car,that's a full on pregnant missus/a kid/and a 3/4(lol)grown man that walked away from that. Baby Kane looks smashin mate....BIG CONGRATULATIONS Let your missus know that everyone is askin after her. Very Happy ending. Del.
  17. 1. Billyboy and Ally 2. G.Mac 3. Des 4. Ed-209 5. Ally-b 6. FAI17 7. STi_coupe 8. st3ph3n 9. G6RAY 10.meko 11. Andy 12. STI_coupe 13. Marc29 14.sma01 15.Seevers Del.
  18. You are as you so rightly put it........A COMPLETE GOAT... Del.
  19. Andy,i take back what i said on your original thread.....they are fookin sweet lookin bud. Del
  20. Gus,i've just taken delivery of that very same spoiler for my Bugeye. Think yours looks sweet bud. Del.
  21. PM BUD.
  22. Thanks people,i am not anywhere near those figures,more like 265bhp. I've got a sheet of metal that i think i'll form so that it connects my panel filter to the wing of the car....then sell the induction kit and buy a half decent filter. Decision made. Del.
  23. That still doesn't answer my question Peter,panel filter or induction kit? Del.
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