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Everything posted by SEEVERS

  1. I currently have the HKS Powerflow or Hyperflow(can't be bothered goin out to check)induction kit on my car and i'm about to fit a decat downpipe. Would i be better to keep this induction kit or put my original box with an uprated panel filter back in the car.? Also,i was thinking about making a steel box to come from my wing to the filter if fitted just to draw more air....question is, if i keep induction kit is it possible to do the same with that.? Please excuse the dumb ass questions as i don't do many performance mods. Cheers Del.
  2. Is that big decal on the side just so that we don't forget it's a TURBO...LOL Very (FRENCH) sorry i mean nice. Hope i'll be testing out the pilot's position sometime in the near future. Promise it won't suffer the same fate as the last one i drove(remember the MSN convo) Wish ye the best 'o' health to drive it.....and stay safe(you know they can be dangerous little barstewards) Del.
  3. Scoobyseller 555....is your name Raymond Babbit???? lol @ me Del.
  4. There defo for Buggys,as they are the same ones i have fitted Ally. Del.
  5. so do i Del.
  6. Cheers Davie. Del.
  7. They did....should've gone to Specsavers Brian...lol. Del.
  8. Ballbag Del.
  9. Can anyone help me with a loan of a trailer or even someone with access to a car transporter.... I need to get this from East Kilbride to my house in Bearsden. Thanks in advance Del.
  10. The wee guy in the middle of the pic is quality......is that his SOVERIGN he is wearing over his glove..? Del.
  11. Many Happy Returns bud... Del + KT.
  12. quite happy sitting on the kerb digging at the dirt with an ice lolly stick!..... That's quality Imy....i probably wasted about 2 1/2 years of my childhood doing that. Bikes were as follows:- 1)Budgie 2)Grifter 3)Burner 4)Mongoose 5)Skyway GT(swapped my mate for the above) The hood thing made me p*sh myself laughing... What about "kwenchy kup" tubs jammed in under the brakes on your Grifter to give off what we thought was a motorbike sound as it rubbed on the big chunky(wooden...lol)tyres. How i miss being a kid. Quality post Davie... Del.
  13. Oops sorry,i thought you said those Rover MG thingys The lack of rear wash wipe(even though my car was an import :Belgian: )is the only thing that can get to me at times...apart from that there is a BIG Fu*kin smile planted permanently on my face. I fu*kin love my Scoob. Del.
  14. The car in general....it's SHAT,and the people who drive them are the gayest i've ever met. Del.
  15. On Challenge TV.......Formula D-8.30-9.00/9.00-10.00....Saturday morning. Apparently it's a new show with drifting competitions featuring all the stars from the land of the rising sun and some newcomers aswell. Should be well worth a watch. Enjoy folks Del.
  16. Andy,hope you ain't went in a huff wi me......and hence the reason you've not replied tomy PM..? LOL Del.
  17. Sorry Andy,it sounded like a good idea......but i think white wheels will cheapen the look of your chariot Again though it's only an opinion Del.
  18. Briggsy's thread on F S + W. He's lookin to swap the original backbox off a MY00 ......for the backbox off a P1. Someone get themselves a nice peice of kit for their mota. Del.
  19. I've just bought a big fook off STi 7 spoiler for my Buggy with another 3 items in the post at the moment. Just need a wee bit of dosh to help with the painting process(can be costly) Del.
  20. C'mon some newbie(god knows there seems to be alot of them lately)it could be your virgin mod I need the money for paint Del.
  21. Hmmmm,not sure about this as a cosha newbie either... Whereabouts did you buy the car from(area)? Del.
  22. Very nice Vicki....and very clean i might add. I bet you just got the bucket put away in the garage and ran to get the camera....lol Del.
  23. Think i'm sorted....just got in touch with drb5,he says if i'm happy with the fit he shpould be able to paint my stuff for me. Del.
  24. C'mon peeps...someone must know somewhere... Del.
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