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Everything posted by SEEVERS

  1. Not everyone who would wish to see this will be at the meet!! Del.
  2. I need to find a good bodyshop as i need 1 item painted and i have another 2 en route to me as i type this.No shatty places please as i would like a good job done. My usual painter is leaving his job in a weeks time so that is me sha**ed for him doing it. Cheers in advance. Del.
  3. Cheers for that Martin. Del.
  4. Cheers Chris... Del.
  5. By laughing after telling me not to get pi$$ed....are you implying that i like to partake in a bevvy or two young man?? Del.
  6. Try here bud www.gaugepods.com www.propods.com www.autometer.com www.roadraceengineering.com Hope this helps Del.
  7. I'll make it 4ever...with a bit of will power and determination. And i'll hold you to that Stephen. Del.
  8. Smoking that is......... Doing quite well....not had a fag for 19hrs. Must admit i could really go one,but i must abstain. Del.
  9. Would the ECU from JDM STi version 8 fit in MY01 Bugeye..? Del.
  10. There was no need for the discount Peter,but know that it was much appreciated. Thanks again Del+Kt
  11. Ask Swiggi or big Scott(sma 01) how they done theirs. Is their no fitting instructions with them..? Del.
  12. Thanks Peter for a cracking meal and a very warm welcome tonight. Also to the lovely Imy for her great service and that wee smiley face. Anyone who's not tried this place should,it was top. Del + Kate.
  13. At the lights outside the Buddies pub in Paisley tonight on my way to Peter's restaurant. Del.
  14. Thanks 4 that... Del.
  15. Can someone please put this in For Sale And Wanted for me with a clicky to this thread. Thanks in advance,you techy demons out there. Del.
  16. Any pics of the silver jobbies yet Noel..? Del.
  17. Now edited to include Blobeyes....cheers Stephen. Del.
  18. I have something else in the pipeline so my spoiler with the lifting kit is up for sale. It transformed the look of my car instantly i thought,so figured i'd give someone else the chance to do the same. Looking for £50-£60 for it. Del.
  19. Looks good Andy,how much did Walker's take for the painting,if you don't mind me asking..? It's just that i will need 3 items painted in the next fortnight to 3 weeks. Del. p.s...is it just the light that is making it look a slightly different shade..?
  20. Returned with info.... Del.
  21. As above. Del.
  22. Im Stadler AND Waldorf...apparently. Del.
  23. Are these alloys "Speedline Chronos" as i'm sure one of our brethren down south had 2 of these for sale a few weeks ago..... Del.
  24. Welcome aboard. Del.
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