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Everything posted by SEEVERS

  1. Ally b....on the M8 tonight(in my rear veiw mirror...lol) Del.
  2. Congratulations Imy,that's a real smart machine you(+ The Squirrel) have found there. Wish you all the best in driving it. Del.
  3. Wouldn't mind 2 small ones to go under my side repeaters if that's alright?? Del.
  4. Chris,go into the little courtyard at the left of The West Park Hotel,behind Grahams the upholsterers.....right down the bottom there is a body shop....thats the guy John who painted my latest body mods. Del.
  5. The date people...the date..? Del.
  6. Get ye now,impatience seems to be a common flaw among Subaru owners Niall...lol Del.
  7. My mate does this at the moment along with some American bit of skirt(1 for the ladies...lol) He's spot on at this sort of stuff. PM me your number if you'd like to speak to him. Del.
  8. I thought you got wheels from Gumball....? Del.
  9. Type Peter's username in for a right good laugh....i think it's spot on...lol Del.
  10. Chris,the only wiring diagram that would be of any use to you would be the original......and judging by what you say,that will be f**ked also as 2 dudes have been tampering with your leccy. Where is this house,maybe get my bro down to sort it out for you (approved electrician) Let me know bud. Del.
  11. Happy Birthday Rosie..... Del.
  12. Chris....2 sales in 1 day.....you must be happy with that bud..? Del.
  13. Chris,PM me your number and i'll give you a shout when i come back from pickin THE BOSS up... Cheers Del.
  14. Will do Chris. Del.
  15. Cheers you two. Del.
  16. How the feck do i find out who's logged in on these new forums......the way you could check on the old one..? Del.
  17. Chris,why not find an STi image on the PC,enlarge it in size,print it off and use that as your template... Del.
  18. Chris,are you about tonight as i'd like to take at look at that if you don't mind bud..? Del.[^o)]
  19. That signature is class Imy.... Del.
  20. Well done Peter,that was a great night again and the food was spot on as usual. Had the usual banter with Gumball and Bing...re:-Hasslehoff/Wearside Jack/Cliff Richard..lol. Well done to everyone that turned up/pitched in/donated prizes/talked sh*t. Quality Del.
  21. Spot on Boab....i'll call you at 6.30. Del
  22. any you gays want to meet up somewhere in Glesgay and head through from there?? Del.
  23. You goin the night Ricey Boy?? Del.
  24. Chris + Paul....what a pair of goats. Del.
  25. Monday at the TSB bank at Cardonald........One sweet lookin 22B....reg no*** WRC. This is only the second time i've ever seen one of these up close....it was feckin immaculate. Nothing beats this car (for me anyway). Del. EDITED TO REMOVE FULL REGISTRATION
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