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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. John, a present for you [] I was going to post the original (7 metres wide) but that would be cruel []
  2. great pics Colin, hopefully the weather will be ok on Sunday [:'(]
  3. 60 quid an hour (sunday rates), is that ok? []
  4. they are just normal plates Imy, you could either remove the screws that are already on your car's plates, drill new holes on these plates, or velcro over the top. I think I will have to drill a couple of holes for my front plate, but the rear should just velcro on top of the existing plate.
  5. looking [H] Craig, I look forward to seeing them/you on Sunday! Just checked the forecast, light rain according to the met office [:'(]
  6. John, forgot about taking the car on track, when's the next sidc trackday? Martin, don't like that, sorry. Iain, I could make a scottish scoobies version, not for this weekend though. I will have a play soon and get a proper one made as this one took about 30 seconds to "design" []
  7. you cannot post on here again unless there is a photo attached, we love photos [8-|] Welcome to SIDC mate, and a great choice in car you made there!
  8. bebo is used by my nephew who is 13, says it all really.
  9. doesn't seem to be in the shop martin, just looked.
  10. You on comission from the Nuburgring Cal? [] Amazing writeup. I don't normally read long stories, but this was great from beginning to end. I may print it off and get my wife to read it to me as a bed time story [] Excellent, and definitely worthy of a write up in true grip.
  11. sorry Iain, yours sounds cool too though [H]
  12. group buy? never thought of that Gus, just got mine made at Livingston Autoparts for 20 quid [:'(]
  13. I "designed" a plate for the shows coming up and thought I would post to see if anyone else wanted it. Here's a photo And here's the original artwork. Any decent number plate place will make it for you, just click the image below to view the full size version, save it to a cd or something and take it along to get made up. enjoy [Y] p.s. the colours in the photo look crap but are spot on in real life []
  14. I think white is the new blue [] Welcome to SIDC mate and enjoy your new toy []
  15. just buy one, as long as it's black.
  16. she is a member of the forum, cannot recall the girls name though [:$] edited: here's Scooby-Girls intro thread.
  17. It seems some of these petitions are not for real. I signed one a while back which was trying to ban people from taking photos in public, then got a mail from Mr B saying this was never going to be implemented and was not true. How the things get on the pm site in the first place is anyones guess..
  18. welcome to SIDC mate, nice motor you got there [H]
  19. just give them the middle finger, that'll get their attention! I used to wave but no more, peeps just don't do it now [*-)]
  20. the silver one at the back is lovely [:^)] good shots of two beautiful motors mate []
  21. adjust your screen resolution to 1280x1024 mate and It'll all be good []
  22. you mean this one? Hmmm, I'll take it, but in black please [H]
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