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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. g.t. and craigy, either post the photos here or pm them to me []
  2. I have added some classics to my first post [] If there's a photo you would like made into an avatar, give me a shout and I'll make it. Oh, and a few for the Alizee fans, she is pretty Andy [:|]
  3. lol, it seems you got it working Ian []
  4. Ian, try clicking on your name (top right next to | Sign Out | Help | Inbox) select the Avatar tab and make sure Enable Avatar is selected. If it is, try saving the 34'th picture from my first post to your My Documents then select Browse in Upload Avatar section and find 34.jpg. Remember and select Save Changes. If this does not work (can take upto 10 minutes) then email Phil Stephens and ask him to enable your avatar and give him your membership details/number. Good luck, Neil.
  5. 100 is the target (at least) so that leaves space for a minimum of 20 classics. I was saving the best 'till last [] Tomorrow though, if thats ok...
  6. I should have mentioned they were Subaru related Andy [] Nice photo of Alizee though [:|]
  7. As you may know, paid up members get wee pictures next to their name. I thought I would put a collection together which, hopefully, catered for everyone [] If you are not sure how to change yours, or don't have one but are a paid member, just shout and we/I will be more than happy to help []
  8. Nice shots Ian, the first one with the Escort is cool, I tried to get a shot like that and failed miserably [:'(]
  9. Welcome to SIDC Chris, good choice of motor []
  10. I added more to my flickr account if anyone would like a look. p.s. Ian (Zeolite), are you not posting yours? I'm keen to see your results from tonight (well, last night [|-)])
  11. the new one Duncan, took a bit of getting used to though.. If only I can figure out how half of them were out of focus [:'(] Crail could be arranged, I'll see what my wife has planned first though..
  12. lol, I love the shopping list on the smart []
  13. Loads of mine were out of focus mate, it doesn't matter how big it is if I can't use it properly []
  14. I look forward to seeing yours Duncan []
  15. I didn't Mark, I was driving at the time when I saw it, and almost crashed looking for a place to stop at [:S]
  16. Excellent night tonight, and good to see Zeolite and Col666 there too [] What a scorcher, I'm beetroot [] Here's a wee sample of tonight's action.. wot, no scoobies on track?
  17. must try harder, must try harder []
  18. a black hawkeye Andy? good choice [H] I fixed your scratches invoice is in the post []
  19. welcome to SIDC Sharpy [Y] Post a photo and I'm sure others will be able to help!
  20. looking forward to it andy, maybe you should send it to subaru when done, along with all our signatures and thoughts on the new model [^o)]
  21. lovely [Y] John, did you get your wheel fixed yet?
  22. welcome to SIDC mate and enjoy your new motor [Y]
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