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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. good stuff, Edinburgh Park is even better I think, there are loads of offices there and it's really quiet on a Sunday [] Here's a few from a recent shoot This was only one or two buildings though, there are some amazing backdrops up there and loads of space!
  2. Colzo, it's in South Queensferry Alan, sorry boot that, it was all a bit spur of the moment. It would be good to do a decent hawkeye gathering photoshoot sometime, fancy it? I can post a thread and find a suitable date for everyone (presuming the weather is ok)..
  3. great photos Colin, that evo guy looks like a nutcase [6]
  4. thanks all! Gus, they turned out rubbish [] and Peter, can't make Saturday unfortunately, my wife has plans []
  5. ouch John, I may think twice before fitting one now [:S] Had an xr3i for 5 weeks when I was younger, rolled it, and managed to salvage the stereo, steering wheel and gear stick knob, everything else was slightly broken [:'(]
  6. Thanks [:$] Iain, I got a claybar, so will have to get you round to show me how to use it! Good news on the new property! It's a photoshop Mark, I did make a )" target="_blank" mce_href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/4hero/492624651/in/set-72157594585048082/">show plate up but forgot to take it with me. Here's the original artwork if you fancy getting one made. I have a black version too but the guys at the plate place said black is a nightmare to make. It's still rattling mate, I need to order something for it to stop it doing that. It's due a service soon so will get it sorted. Just the standard 18-55mm lens Colin, with a circular polariser mind you.. One day I will get round to showing you the basics, it has taken me 10 years to learn it though and I still only know half of what it can do [:S] It is shiny []
  7. A white hawkeye would have been good today, but I'm not sure if my wife will allow me to get one as well [:'(] Popped down to: ^ David Coulthard's new hotel by the way ^ to get a few snaps of: shot from various angles, including, front: rear: above: underneath: sexy tyres: not so sexy wheels: my favourite from today: Afterwards, wen't for a chippy, had a white pudding supper, and now I feel [+o(] How was your day and what did you get upto?
  8. welcome to SIDC Chris, tidy looking motor you got there [H]
  9. Sorry to hear that Colin. I know what you mean about reliability, classics are a nightmare [:^)] Ever considered a new one? This is my last one too [Y]
  10. Ian, do you not fancy a lower mesh grille? [] p.s. fancy a wee jaunt up to Knockhill on Saturday morning?
  11. There's a group buy going on at that other forum for a Lower Mesh Grille from Revolution, anyone interested? £89.99 if another 5 names are added to the list. I really want one [:'(]
  12. welcome to SIDC, good choice in motor []
  13. "so i can get an idea of numbers for the police" [] Wasn'y me occifer []
  14. Hi Neil, Iain so far has his Terzo (classic) and my Hawkeye STi. Cheers, Neil []
  15. Ally B, here's a few of Mr Jet Pack man []
  16. Happy Birthday Gus The Bus [G] Hope you had a good day mate.
  17. yes Colin, not feeling well today? [] Good pics mate.
  18. What an excellent day, great weather [], great banter, great cars, what more can a man ask for. Well, maybe some sunshine [:'(] Spooks and whoever else was involved in the organisation, you did a fantastic job, well done! The sausage/bacon rolls/Rosie's cake bar thing were amazing too [] Anyhoo, here's a few pics for those who may have missed it: (If you can't be bothered to wait on them loading, view them on flickr) Great looking setup, very professional. Iain seemed to have turned into a microfibre cloth [] wd40 to clean your wheels? whatever next, teflon? Stalker? Who? Me? [8-|] One of them Zonda things Shiny pipes, or is it induction pipes [] Mentally unstable Lamborghini driver. Who are all these people, and why are they touching our cars? [6] First time I have seen drifting in the flesh, great fun indeedy! ^ nut job ^ There are a few more on my flickr account, although I have not finished sorting them all out yet. Cheers, Neil.
  19. lovely pics mate, ohhhh, I'm getting all excited now [] COME RAIN OR SNOW I WILL BE THERE TOMORROW [6]
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