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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. It's been ages since there was a thread to see how you lot look. I thought a new one would be better rather than refreshing the old one.. Post away! Here's me, I'm the one on the right.
  2. well, that's one way to get his attention. Could you just not PM him?
  3. very nice! it makes a change from the blue/gold combo []
  4. excellent shots! I wish I could have made it too [:'(]
  5. do you mean this black s3 Mike? [:^)] not the best photos in the world, but they are free []
  6. just this one Peter, sorry, none with you driving.
  7. good stuff, always happy to help []
  8. Great night tonight, good turnout, and great to meet some new faces too [Y] Here's a few snaps for those who missed it: Who's is the mysterious black car on the far left I wonder [:^)] The commoners [] a nice selection: very nice wagon indeedy [] it's funny, none of the people shots turned out, hmmmm great night lads and lassies, looking forward to the next one [Y]
  9. Gary, only managed to get one unfortunately, don't know how that happened [:S]
  10. welcome to SIDC mate, you were certainly giving it some stick around the track. Here's a few shots, not the best, but it's all I have. Click on each for the originals [] at least we didn't see any of this from you []
  11. no need to SHOUT Andy [] when you try and view the images on their own you get a Forbidden error.
  12. So the list so far is: Neil - Black STi Type-UK Grant - Crystal Grey STi Spec-D Kebab Nemesis - RB320 Chris_k - Blue STiiii Type UK Alan-G - Silver WRX Type Malta or somewhere near there Spince - Bue STI UK A wee example of some shots [Y] So, is the 10th June ok for everyone? Anyone else fancy this?
  13. 'bout time too Iain [] Scott, I'm off into town in the morning (after I pop into the printers). I may be around in the afternoon, so will call you if you like?
  14. text, whats that mate? [8-|] I'm useless with mobiles [:$] My phone is lying around my house somewhere, probably with a flat battery. I'll charge it in the morning and get back to you. If it's about the poster, I totally forgot but will drop it at the printers first thing tomorrow (on holiday []) Was it A1 or A2 I was to get again?
  15. you will probably be using Internet Explorer (IE) to browse the internet, if so, that is bad as it's a pile of crap. Firefox looks/works more or less the same as IE (but works properly) [] Just download it mate, you won't regret it!
  16. you're not using firefox? I would like a 4000 word explanation as to why not on my desk for Monday first thing.
  17. you using firefox Iain? If so, select View, Text Size, Normal,
  18. you need to stick the dial to TV Mode mate, your's were all shot in AV after checking the exif data. This would be the major factor in them being not quite so crisp. Your shutter speed on the one I checked was 1/100, I use a minimum of 1/125 but everything else on the exif looked ok. The rest is just a matter of trial and error (oh, and an L lens) []
  19. nice pics mate, I thought you didn't have your memory card with you?
  20. no problem Imy, you did well today [Y] I have zipped them all up. The file is just under 60meg so may take a wee while to upload to my server, arghhhhh, 8meg broadband sucks [:@][] I'll pop the link to the file into an email in the morning, once I know it has uploaded ok []
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