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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. I'm off on holiday as of sunday 2nd and will be away for two weeks. Any time after that will be fine with me
  2. Bummer mate, sorry to hear that. Take up 2 spaces, thats what I do after this happened to my last car.
  3. maybe the forum needs some teflon to lubricate the problems geo is having
  4. what a mess, I hope these guys are ok. It's probably just as well they were in a scooby, if they were in a corsa they would all probably be dead.
  5. sorry to hear that mate, glad you are ok.
  6. I think we need to buy a Nikon mate []
  7. very nice pics folks! Scott, these shots are very impressive and extremely sharp, nice work []
  8. Cheers lads. Spooks, imagine if I had Image Stabiliser on [:^)] [] Post yours mate, cant wait to see them!
  9. Damn, sorry to hear that Mark, I'm glad you are all "ok" though.
  10. Thanks everyone! I wasn't at the morning session John, slightly hung over [:'(]
  11. What an amazing day (apart from the rain [:'(]). First time at a drift event and had a ball! A few snaps from today, there's more on my Flickr account if you fancy a peek. What is this guy doing? I know the car is nice, but.... [] Good night, Neil.
  12. Since I was a tiny lad I had always wanted a go in (and to own preferrably) a Lamborghini. My childhood ambition of having a go in one was achieved tonight, thanks to Paul and his silver Murcielago and some pax laps round knockers. Next on the list is to own one, never say never eh [] Here's a few shots from tonight. The beast: some of the time attack guys warming up for tomorrow: There's more on my flickr account, and much larger versions too. See you at knockers tomorrow []
  13. Jenna, I'll send you my originals tonight []
  14. Great pics everyone [] I forgot to thank everyone involved in the food/tea/biscuits, top work everyone! Glad you liked the shades pic, Young-Buck27 wasn't too keen on me taking it, but I'm very happy with the result, thanks mate [] My top 3 from the day: 1: 2. 3. Great day, but I'm suffering now [:'(]
  15. Great day today lads and lassies! Amazing weather, cars, & women [] Here's a few snaps, there are 134 on my flickr account if you fancy a peek. If you are offended by the sight of scantily clad ladies then please do not visit my flickr account [] out the way Peter! Cheers, Neil.
  16. certainly looks better than the 08 model
  17. ignore him mate, everyone else does [] Not everyone [] well, I do. [:^)]
  18. you won't see any hawkeye's being driven like that [][]
  19. ignore him mate, everyone else does []
  20. This is an internet, welcome. One thread would be suffice [Y]
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