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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. well Subaru, it's been nice knowing you
  2. Stephen, that makes perfect sense, cheers y'all, now I know [Y]
  3. Whats a spark plug? [] Mate, thanks for the answer, I know feck all about scoobies (only owned them for 7 years you see), so your help is very much appreciated [Y] So does the coil pack generate the "electricity" to spark the spark plug thingy?
  4. what the f&$k is a coil pack? Answers on a postcard to: Neil "Not Got A Clue About Engines 'N Stuff" Paterson 102 Impreza Avenue Scotland. or just reply here
  5. Hi Steve, Sorry to hear about the 320 mate.. I have an 06sti and replaced the resinator with a shiny stainless steel mid section, threw on a wr sport backbox and this has done the trick nicely. I'm not sure how loud you like it, but what I did certainly improved the tone (while not deafening me from the cockpit). hope this helps, and I'm sure others will be along to talk de-cats and all that malarkey [] p.s., here's a wee video clip to hear the sound..
  6. very nice indeed mate, shiny shiny [H]
  7. can't go Mark, going to the out-laws for easter dinner [:'(]
  8. Dougie, I wish mate [] This lense was cheap compared to some others [] Mark, whats on tomorrow? Sounds like a plan!
  9. Playsatan, thanks and cheers for the discount code mate, didn't know about that! I did get £100 off the price on their website (due to them having the wrong price tag on it in the shop []) John, wheel budget is not affected by this purchase (I hope []) Scoobaroo, thanks mate, I'm a complete amateur with dslr's but have always loved photography ever since I used to develop film at school. The lense was a must for trackdays, and I would like to be a photographer when I grow up []
  10. John, don't tell no-one, but here's a link ok [:#]
  11. cheers Dougie [Y] I added more to my Flickr account, and here's some from the selection. good night sidc [|-)]
  12. JC, I just told her a few minutes ago that I got a new lense. She has no idea how much these things cost, but when she sees the size of it (the lense that is) she will be in shock [] It was funny, I got it form Jessops in Edinburgh, the guy said "Would you like a bag for it", I said "Yeah, but do you have one that does not say Jessops on it, I've came home with 2 bags already this week and my wife will freak", the kind gentleman obliged and game me a very stealth plain white bag []
  13. cheers mate [] I was only there for 45 minutes and managed to shoot 270 photos [] Wish I had made it for 6 o'clock, never mind...
  14. Nice shots mate, and an amazing road! Certainly looks like better conditions than the march run..
  15. mini meet photoshoot? I'm sure we can organise something Gus []
  16. Andy, we could hook up down at Edinburgh Park for a wee photoshoot if you fancy, or somewhere else.. I'll see you wednesday anyhow (if you are going to the meet), if not we can sort something out (for free ofcourse)!
  17. she's not seen it yet... I'm just glad I dont have a credit card, no bill = no evidence [] p.s. the photos are a bit crap because I just took the lense out the box when I got to knockhill, didnt even read the manual [:S] I will read it tomorrow though...
  18. It's the dogs danglies Andy []. I'm sure I will get much better results with more daylight. It's all good practice though!
  19. Ac!d, a tip: dont [] The money I have spent on mine in the last 8 weeks I could easily have had a new set of wheels [:'(]
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