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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. Sounds sweet Mark, not too in-yout-face-ear-drum-bursing-from-the-interior, but a big improvement, 'specially with the resinator removed []
  2. Excellent piccies Marty [Y] I finally uploaded all mine to my flickr account (80'ish photos), and resized them to 1024x768. If anyone wants the original just ask! I also removed the number plates from them just in case [|-)] Here's a few of my favourites: enjoy [Y]
  3. Imy, I've got over 300 photos, I'll sort them out tomorrow night and pass them your way []
  4. shiny shiny [] Nice motor, you're wife's a lucky woman!
  5. I didn't realise you were all going back to Tesco afterwards and I headed straing home [:'(] Listening was never my strong point..
  6. some more photo's from today: Lost, Who, Us? [] It was a great road though Imy [] 'ello, 'ello, 'ello, what do we have here then [] Is Winston behind here? The scenery in the rear view mirror was amazing [] [] I have tons more and will post them once I have sorted them out. Knackered just now [|-)]
  7. great pics mate, I don't think I met you today [:S] What an amazing run, huge hugs to Imy and Squirrel for what they did, amazing work guys [] This was the first time I have had to actually enjoy my sti and I'm still smiling, amazing choice of roads [] Superb day, and really good to meet more of the sidc members! Cheers, Neil.
  8. snow [:'(] Poteza's are rubbish, should be an interesting run []
  9. no problem mate, it does look good, nice choice [Y]
  10. you sure mate? have you seen scoobyseller's post?
  11. you will be driving an rb320 and you shop in asda? [] Nice motor mate, congrats!
  12. very clean example you got there mate! welcome to SIDC [Y]
  13. nice one Gus, sounds the dogs danglies [H]
  14. buy buy buy [] Not seen a wawkeye in red before Andy, nice one [Y]
  15. As long as you don't mind John! I generally take them off anyway just in case.. I never thought of tape mate [] I'll have to remember that []
  16. John, should the question not have been "Don't suppose there is any chance of removing my number plate is there?". Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't like my number plate posted all around the interweb, and it kinda puts me off taking my car on track days knowing that people will be posting photos without any thought to the owner of the car..
  17. Hello and welcome to SIDC mate [Y]
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