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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. Evening, I bought a new lense for my camera today (please don't tell my wife [:'(] []) and popped through to knockhill tonight to test it out. Here's a few, they are not perfect, but I did learn a lot about the lense and camera though...
  2. "Wife or Scooby who do you spend more time with?" you maybe should rephrase this, there are some ladies with scoobies on here too []
  3. my camera [] oops, sorry, thats not on the list [] it'll have to be my wife then []
  4. but "The four-door saloon does look a bit more interesting but we won’t be getting that model in the UK." according to the m$n site p.s. I still hate it
  5. here's a very large photo of the saloon (which we won't be getting in the UK) and another large photo of the uk model. goodbye subaru impreza, hello audi rs4 []
  6. 4 days according to the homepage [] sack the web designer (oh, and the guy who "designed" the 2008 model).
  7. photoshop is your friend [Y] That's the quickest colour change I have done in my life [|-)]
  8. debadged and a wrc bodykit is for winners, now, where can I get a wrc kit for a hawkeye [H] Iain, I did give it a "quick" clean again [] Don't rush to pop round mate, just as soon as you get a chance [Y]
  9. I may have some more subtle ones made up later Stephen, maybe not in pink though.. I think it will look better with the wheels in my first post, and some prodrive springs (which will be done in the next 2 weeks). Spare a pound for the wheel hungry mate []
  10. front and side are done, couldn't get the small sti badge from the front mesh, but will try again later []
  11. just followed Mr Squirrels advice and looks what happened [:'(] Kids, do not believe everything you read/see on the interweb [] Didn't need the hairdryer, just held a hot soapy sponge on the sticker for a couple of minutes, peeled off, and a wee touch of Meguiars Scratch X to remove residue! Now, the side ones... Edited: The hairdryer definitely helped, the side was much easier to come off with it..
  12. off to start the front now [] now, how do I get out the house with the wife's hairdryer without her noticing...
  13. ssssh, don't tell the wife, she'll never notice []
  14. Thanks Andy, who is doing the work for you? Could you pm or post details? I'll give them a phone and get a price [Y] I've de-locked the second "after" photo, the wonders of photoshop [H]
  15. stealth is good [] Andy, is there a lot of work involved in de-locking the rear? This sounds very nice! How many £'s from my wheel budget would this use up?
  16. Andy, there is a bolt/screw thingy on the badge at the rear, this would need a little subaru assistance. Should I just leave the oval on the rear, a dinnae ken [:'(]
  17. ...what do you recon? Maybe aye, maybe no? Place Bets Now [] Donations for the New Wheel Saving Fund are more than welcome. £1 from each of you will go a long way. The fund is coming along nicely, but to hit target I NEED MORE [] I quite like the front, but I'm not sure about the rear [:S] Edited: Just de-locked the rear, after Oobster's comments, I think I'm in love (not with you Andy) [] I think I've almost decided now (thanks everyone) []
  18. Verrrrrry clean mate, have fun with it [Y]
  19. to be honest mate, you shouldn't have to put up with that after spending a fare wad of cash on it. Not impressed with the interior build "quality" at all [:@]
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