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davey l wrx

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Everything posted by davey l wrx

  1. Evening all, after the Rallye day in keith last summer and talking the owner of Bitz i've booked the scoob in for an oil change on the engine, gearbox and diffs for next week. Just wondering if anyone's used them before. One of the guys i work with used to co-drive one of the rally cars they ran and he swears by them - but he does drive a rover 75..... As they build the Murtaya and rally cars i'm guessing they aren't bad.
  2. I'd been with Admiral for about 7 years till last summer. The premium for the WRX went from £500 to over £1100 the reason they said was because i had picked up 3 points on my licence. A quick hit on compare the market.com got me 14 quotes under £500 (i do have 9+ years of protected no-claims and am 38). Finally went with M & S for about £600. A chat with admiral got me a loyalty discount of £80 so i was still paying over £1000. They always try it on at renewal time but it usually only takes a call to sort it, occasionally they take the p*** though.... Hope ya get ot sorted for a decent price.
  3. Thats why i went to down to Newcastle to get my WRX instead of getting one around Moray. Saved abot £1500-£2000 on what they wanted up here for the same spec car! As a bonus checked out autotrader and my car seems to be worth what it was when i bought it 14 months ago.
  4. I was with admiral and had been for about 9 years, never had a problem and they always gave a sensible quote after i called them and laughed at their renewal quote. Not this year though... it went from £500 to £1124. The only reason they could give was that i had picked up 3 points for speeding! I found 18 quotes under £500 but ended up paying £600 through M&S, the good quotes are out there it's finding them thats the hassle.
  5. If you can find or get a back issue of Mar/Apr 09 Total Impreza (issue 9) there was a giode it there on how to do it, leaving the engine in. Hope it helps.
  6. Nice pics Al, is it just me or does that second shot of the Murtaya look like a 1/72nd scale model. Good skills getting a picture my boy with his gob shut, that must have taken a while.... I'll start some work on the airfield/runway bash as soon as i get a chance to chat to the people who can say yes.
  7. It was a great day, kids had a good time and there was a good turnout. Hopefully we'll have somewhere local to get the cars serviced now as well. I'll see how the pics look when i hook the phone up to the lap top later.
  8. Do you want a body shop or a hitman?
  9. Had it on my blobeye since i got 6 months ago. The spare wheel well was like a swimming pool when i got it home. I seales the bolts and holes for the spoiler with clear bathroom sealant from B&Q. Only cost a couple of quid and does the job. Didn't have to mess about taking the spoiler bolts out either they just live in a bubble of rubber.
  10. Our beloved leaders changed the name from Road Tax to Road Fund Licence to stop this argument. You aren't paying 'Road Tax' anymore so the roads can be repaired. You now pay for the lovely disc to stick in the windscreen to say you have been fleeced and are allowed to drive on the crap roads we have. If i remember right it changed when they brought in the new road fund banding for 'green' reasons as an excuse to spend more money on the NHS and schools. Local councils get a set amount to spend on repairs and Mr Darling banks the rest, hopefully not in Iceland. But you are right Hoss there are some really crap roads up here.
  11. Well sorted Hoss, it's the little things that make it look good and that roof rack is the dogs b******s.
  12. I do believe it's down to the resonant frequency the turbo is spinning at. Same reason you can hear a jet engine spinning (the high pitched whining) when your stood in front or to the side of it but not from the rear (i know all the comments about being behind a jet engine are incoming but i don't mean right behind it). Once it's spinning at a certain speed it goes out of your hearing range. You notice it at airports when the aircraft taxi and turn the noise varies greatly. I can usually hear the turbo my car up to about 4-4.5K then it goes quiet.
  13. Haven't tried that one I have got Road Trip on mine though. Gives the MPG and tracks money spent on servicing etc. Works ok, only had one fill after it was set up and that was after the Moray drive last week and it says i got 26MPG, I was expecting a lot less after the drive so i obviously wasn't trying hard enough.
  14. But isn't V-Power the fuel of Ferrari! Thats what it says in all the crap they send me through the post anyway. Persoanally i always use V-Power in the WRX so i have no idea what tesco's stuff is like but i know some guys who wouldn't put it in a lada nevermind a decent motor. At the end of the day it comes down to what works best for you (or your car).
  15. Feckin scrotes, makes my blood boil. Some monkey did my beemer all over the bonnet and down the drivers side ended up needing a full respray. Crucifiction is too good for them.. Hope you find somewhere safe to keep it.
  16. Haha, that's been like that for about 18 months. Not my gaff it's the exwifes place i'm just looking after the kids while she has fun. It also explains the french shed on the drive. Honestly.
  17. Finally got a chance to give the scooby it's first wash and polish today. Used a bit of Dodo Juice, Blue Velvet. Billiant stuff i think there be an order for more of it going in soon. Looks a damn sight better when it's shiny, means more work for me... OH yeah ignore the french shed it's nothing to do with me!
  18. It's enough to make you wonder if it's his car if he just 'borrowed' it! Hope you finally get your money back..... You should think about charging interest while your at it.
  19. sounds a bit suspect.... i had them on my beemer and they would easily last 18 months and that was with some 'spirited' driving on a regular basis. When the scooby needs new tyres they'll be near the top of my list.
  20. I'll be at the meets, might manage to make it to the snowman, haven't been to a rally since the last WRC in Cyprus just need to see if it fits in with work and seeing the kids. I can feel the mods coming..... suspension will probably be the first thing!
  21. The stickered blobeye is my little toy..... Had it for a month now so i'm still getting used to it's drinking habbits, it's worse than me when i lived in Cyprus for 3 years! I came back here to dry out, buying the scoob could finally do it. Having seen all the others today i'm trying to stay away from the tuners web pages cos i know the credit card will take a severe pasting.
  22. Sweet, good pics there. It was good to put some faces to the names and the kids enjoyed it, the boy still won't shut up about the cars. Bring on the next meet!
  23. I'll be there, should be back up by then after the funeral. 1. ScoUK 2. Mckay 3. Cullenmin 4. Connor 5. Scooby Doom 6.Tommo9375 (hopefully) 7.Scooby-girl (maybe) 8.Jus (hopefully) 9.Dave l wrx 10
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