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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. The 'Doune Hillclimb' claims another...
  2. Splitter looks great and your bay is a feast for the eyes. Bug looks the part in white, too! (closet bug-lover here ).
  3. It's not as bad as a keying of course, but you're not alone: http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122140
  4. I don't know what to say, mate - how many times has this happened to you? More than a couple and I'd start to wonder if it was the same person(s) responsible... not suggesting you've done anything to deserve it, of course - but there's no telling what might motivate some saddo to resort to this Honestly, that would put tits on a rattlesnake...
  5. Much obliged! Aye - let us know how you get on with that. Looks like it could be decent driving weather on Sunday...
  6. I'd take those over the goldie wans any day
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum Motor sounds great - and you can't beat the terminal 'Scooby grin'! Hope you get the leaking welly problem sorted soon too
  8. As far as classics go, that's one of the finest specimens I've ever clapped eyes on - stunner
  9. Thanks again for sharing that with us. Sounds like they packed it in at Devilla not long after I started driving - think I can remember seeing rally cars heading up there on the back of pickups from time to time...
  10. That's perfect, Kenny - I'll check out my local WH Smiths (I had a look in there once before for it, but they might've sold out). Cheers, Tam.
  11. Is Total Impreza available from the shops or is it subscription-only? Cheers.
  12. Fascinating story, geo - cheers for filling us in with the history. Always great to see pics of a MkII Escort too - the last RWD revision, of course (hence the popularity with rallyists like yersel, I guess). Remember when those buggers were everywhere? (getting nostalgic now) When did they finish with the rallying up there, then?
  13. Hi mate. I never met you the first time around, but pleased to make your acquaintance Sorry to hear about all the bother you've been having. If it's any consolation, we've probably all been there at least once with one motor - but chances are you'll ride this out and be in a position to enjoy it again some time soon Look at it this way - at least you're not missing much in the way of decent driving weather! All the best, Tam.
  14. Re: Strange Heat Issue I had a dog once had the same problem. Visitors to the house would often ask what to do if it tried to hump their leg. It was a big dog, so I suggested they fake an orgasm Hope you get that heater issue sorted. I actually had exactly the same problem with one of my motors WAY back, but I'm buggered if I can remember what the resolution was - sorry
  15. They look like quality kit (says the kint who knows almost f-all about suspension mods)
  16. Devilla Forest up the road from Clackmannan? I never even knew they held rallying there. Do they still do that?
  17. Ever had one so bad that your brain just went into 'block out' mode? It's as if you're resigned to the fact that you're going to crash, so your head fills up with endorphins, in anticipation of severe pain (or at best a hefty insurance hike and a few weeks on the bus)................ all of a sudden the noise and stress that was bothering you a second ago is replaced with an overwhelming sense of calmness and the soothing melody of birdsong... ...or maybe that was just me... Glad the new ARBs worked out for you, CK.
  18. Aaah, interesting - cheers for clearing that up (no thanks from the wife, she just lost a tenner ). Aye, the asymmetrical arrangement does give it a rather Dalek-like menacing presence EX-TER-MIN-ATE!!!
  19. Who woulda thunk it? Stunning Hawk Een STi, BTW Please settle a family argument: How come you have a fog lamp aperture on one side of your bumper and an STi cover on the other - some kind of air intake?
  20. Anyone who's up for car valeting in these temperatures shows some serious dedication - great work Do you find that the birds tend to keich on yours after you've cleaned it? (I'm talking about the kind of 'bird' that flies BTW, no' the kind that spends most of her waking life thinking about buying shoes and couches ).
  21. You thought you had a life? Just banter, mate... you did ask if it was a word...
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