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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Result!Seeing as how ye didnae use them... ...gaunnae pass roon' the wine gums well?
  2. Look at it this way - if it doesn't work, at least you have the rest of the packet of wine gums to chow on
  3. Here it's: http://www.solotechnic.co.uk/label-remover...0ml-i23623.html Disclaimer: I've never used this on car paintwork, but I've used it on other painted items and it has worked a treat. Leave it to soak them wipe off. Repeat treatment if necessary.
  4. Servisol do a sticky-stuff remover, which you can buy from Maplin. Failing that, lighter fluid's an option. Whatever you use, try it in on inconspicuous area first to make sure it's not going to damage/discolour your paintwork
  5. Och no, just me being a kint I'm considering giving the wife an STI. Ooops... now my posts are coming out all wrong
  6. I'm not mad on them either - auffae plasticky - reckon they cheapen the Hawkeye rear end a bit...
  7. Quite - they'd need to use your wooden-shafted caliper-prising hammer to get between my palms!
  8. Aren't they the same as all Hawkeye rear lamps (including your RB320 and my WRX)?
  9. Colin, 4hero: Is it just coincidence that you both have your rear windows blacked out or did some of the Hawk STIs come from the factory like that?
  10. Oh ya jobby! I thought the WRX pads were brutal at £165 inc. VAT & fitting!
  11. That's a seriously generous offer, Neil - cheers! Though to be honest I think in the long run I'd benefit from getting my finger out and learning to do the job myself Having said that, if you're running a training session, I could be up for coming along for a gander! Tam.
  12. Whit?! I have my sights set on a 'normal' Hawkeye STi as my next (my dream) motor! Ach well, "one man's floor is another man's ceiling" and all that Agreed though, the RB320 really is something special.
  13. In the good old days of simple engines and cheap parts, I used to do my own servicing - plus the odd easy repairs like fuel pumps, thermostats and the like. I tend not to these days, partly due to lack of motivation, but mostly because more recent cars have had a warranty that I didn't want to break... However, I've never changed a set of brake pads on my own. Years ago when me and a mate fitted a set - well, mostly my mate if I'm being honest - I seem to remember some amount of farting around with prizing the calipers apart and then getting them set back into position... ...but y'all here make it sound so simple - what's the procedure? I could sorely do with replacing all mine with performance pads... might be tempted to go for it if I thought I could do it myself.
  14. You're welcome. Let us know how you get on once they're fitted - I'd be very interested in a direct comparison with the stock pads IMO, braking performance of the standard hawkeye WRX is not good enough to make the most out of engine performance and roadholding (on the really twisty stuff, at least).
  15. In all seriousness, they do little to detract from the fearsome testicle-shrivelling presence of the car
  16. Here are some recommendations I was given when asking the same question: http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=121405 Wish I'd listened now and paid the extra for performance pads...
  17. That's good to know, cheers for the info. My dealings with Charlie, Sandy and co have been good so far so I'll probably be inclined to ask them for a quote before heading elsewhere.
  18. You could well be right there, in the case of 4hero's STi (mine is a WRX so the pads weren't Brembos). Labour charge was ~£65 which, although not dirt cheap, didn't seem too bad for a main dealer. Wouldn't have thought the labour charge for the STi would've been much higher, but I could be wrang...
  19. P.S. Get some white washers for they number plate screws, eh?
  20. I had mine done at the dealer. Did you ask for a breakdown of the costs? It's actually the price of the Subaru pads that kills it. Given the less-than-astonishing performance of the Subaru pads, I'd go for third-party items next time - but I'd happily go back to Ian Grief's to have them fitted (if they were up for fitting third-party pads - not sure of their policy on that).
  21. I thought on the STi it was the boot badge whit held the spiler on?
  22. Dang - this is doing nothing to alleviate my STi pining Loving those alloys too!
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