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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Cheers muchly for the info. I'll probably hunt down some components that have a shallow mid/bass driver, to avoid using spacers etc. I'll take the hit on sound quality, but it'll certainly be better than the stock setup! (if past experience is anything to go by).
  2. Normally I don't dig white alloys, but in this instance they complement your car's colour very nicely.
  3. Thank you Cheers Gus, sounds good - I'll definitely contact Hypertech for prices.I'd be up for trying anything that is reported to give a sharper response than the factory pads.
  4. Cheers.I've never applied soundproofing before, but have always thought it must be a good idea. Did you do this yourself? If so, what was involved - i.e. which areas did you cover and what did you have to dismantle to do so? Also, which type of soundproofing did you go for? Many thanks mate.
  5. Car is a MY06 WRX. Main dealer have quoted £160-ish. Sounded a tad steep to me, but then it's been nigh-on four years since I bought brake pads (for a different car). Can anyone recommend a cheaper-but-just-as-good alternative to the main dealer? Normally I don't mind heading into a drive-in place for tyres, but I'm a little wary of letting some random pimply seventeen-year-old loose on my Vera Drakes... Cheers.
  6. How are y'all this fine Saturday morning? Looks like we might see a wee bit dry weather this weekend My question... I recently replaced the head unit in my MY06 WRX (colossal improvement) and I'm now looking to upgrade the front speakers. I'm not after anything fancy, just something around £100 or under that will fit in the stock mounts. Any recommendations? Cheers.
  7. Lends a whole new meaning to the phrase, "show's yer pink bits darlin'"
  8. Hello and welcome. I'm new to the club too, pined/resisted for years, etc... Great-looking motor. What with the paintwork and the window tints it reminds me of that 'Spinal Tap' line: "The question is - how much more black could this be?" "None..... none more black..."
  9. Ordinarily I wouldn't go for decals, but that would brighten up my day if I came across it - erm - I mean "happened upon it" (it's not that exciting). Do it!
  10. Welcome, mate! Why would you allow a 16-year-old drunk to park your Audi?
  11. Sorry to hear you had bother. The A80 really is the urinary tract of Scotland's road network As Grant says, an insurance job for that kind of damage won't show up on the car's HPI record - but it will of course show up on your insurance record. Still, can happen to anyone at any time - we've all been there (and with the best of intentions will be there again one day, no doubt ). Never mind, she'll be fixed up soon.
  12. Ey oop! New to Scoobs, eh? You've made a grand entrance with that there motor!
  13. Hi Greame I just wondered if there were any special inter-relations* I needed to be wary of, i.e. "the Classics don't wave at the Blobeyes" or "STIs turn their cheek at WRXs"... * 'special inter-relations' isn't coded anti-Fife banter, BTW
  14. Agreed.And if every motorist in the country who objects to road tax pricing refused to pay, I'm pretty sure it would cause a bigger problem for the Government than they could cause for us. From a purely administrative POV, they can only pursue so many non-payments. Remember the poll tax? We needs to start a militant internet movement here... Anyway - after this (and Iraq) they've lost my vote.
  15. Cheers again for the warm welcome What's the protocol in your area for Scooby drivers waving at each other? I was out in the sticks at the weekend and received two waves from fellow Blubaru punters. Doesn't seem to work here in my particular built-up area, though (perhaps there are just too many of them). Good chance of a grimace, mind.
  16. Thanks for the replies, folks - already it's looking more friendly over here than on ScoobyNet! marky - "2-5Hz" was just a guess - maybe ten clicks a second, absolute tops. It seems to disappear when the boost has ramped up. Gordy - the solenoid sounds promising to me. Hope that's covered by the warranty... (assuming Subaru consider it a 'fault') Cheers.
  17. I bought my first Scooby the week before last - a blue WRX hawkeye, 14K miles. Having lots of fun - it's the only car I've ever owned that makes me grin involuntarily! Just one niggle so far - with the windows down I hear a 2-5hz ticking noise between 1500-3000rpm (I only hear it when the engine is under load and the car in motion). I let a Subaru mechanic have a listen and he reckoned it could be related to an actuator (or solenoid) in the boost system. He's going to have a closer look when the car's in for some warranty work next week. Also the engine can be a little hesitant when cold. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Otherwise the car runs beautifully. Cheers.
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